HHS is Opposing Experimental Bird Flu ‘Vaccines’ for Poultry

USDA Seems Supportive. Last week, I wrote about experimental “vaccines” that the United States government has been working with pharmaceutical companies to develop — different ones for poultry and people. I asked if Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Brooke Rollins, both new to their … Read more

New USDA Guidelines Will Sicken Us

The USDA is revising its nutrition guidelines – some say in the wrong direction. Critics of past federal guidelines that favored high carbohydrate diets and were compromised by industrial food producers are closely scrutinizing the new regulations because they advocate “reducing focus on chronic disease risk reduction” and more on “improving the lifespan.” This oxymoronic … Read more

obese fat tape measure waistline

Will USDA Guidelines Make Americans Sicker and Fatter?

The USDA is revising its nutrition guidelines. Critics of past federal guidelines, which favored high carbohydrate diets and were compromised by industrial food producers, are closely scrutinizing the new regulations because they advocate “reducing focus on chronic disease risk reduction” and more on “improving the lifespan.” This oxymoronic shift from prevention to cure pervades many … Read more

Rep Thomas Massie

The Contentious Path to Trump’s USDA Pick

Speculation is heating up over Donald Trump’s expected nominee to head the USDA. High-profile positions like secretary of state understandably attract the political spotlight, but the MAGA message has blended with MAHA and Team Kennedy. Appointments to health-related agencies are important bellwethers of how much influence Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will bring to bear in … Read more

White Mountains: Let Campers Camp!

I am writing to complain about the restrictive laws which only serve to decrease our recreational use of our parklands. The USDA has enacted laws (ostensibly) to reduce the impact of campers on some (most) areas in the White Mountain Nation Forest.

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Skip's Sauntering Snippets Podcast

Skip’s Sauntering Snippets-#13-Biden: Affirm Transgenders in School or Poor Kids Get No Lunch

Or, Biden’s willing to let poor kids go hungry to force transgender affirmation on schools. Talk about strings attached! The US Department of Agriculture just mandated that if a school wishes to receive Federal money meant for school lunches for poor and low-income students, those schools MUST implement all of the Biden Administration’s “anti-discrimination” policies concerning LGBTQ, especially those experiencing gender dysphoria (transgenderism).

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And I think this is delightful news coming from the USDA! Git’em all out of DC!

Reformatted, emphasis mine: USDA staffers quit en masse as Trump administration eyes moving offices out of DC Employees at the U.S. Department of Agriculture are quitting at a rapid clip as Secretary Sonny Perdue prepares to move forward with plans to relocate two offices far outside the Washington, D.C., Beltway. Federal employees at the Economic Research … Read more

Merge The Departments of Education and Labor And Other Things To Make Liberals Mad

US-WhiteHouse-Logo.svgMr. Trump has some changes he’d like to make in Washington, and the Left is losing their mind.

The White House on Thursday announced its plan to merge the Departments of Labor and Education into a single Cabinet agency in order to reduce unnecessary bureaucracy and streamline overlapping regulations and department functions.

The two departments would merge into the Department of Education and the Workforce (DEW), aimed at “meeting the needs of American students and workers, from education and skill development to workplace protection to retirement security,” according to a White House outline of the plan.

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GrokTALK! with Dr. Betsy McCaughey

ObamaCare expert and health Care advocate Dr. Betsy McCaughey joins us to talk about King v Burwell, the courts real role, subsidies, Health Care Coverage–and the Republican off-ramp from ObamaCare, post Obama-Care America, EPA, USDA, and other regulatory intrusions, and then the upcoming First in the Nation Summit here in New Hampshire.  

From The Edge of Sequestration – About Those Job Cuts…

We’ve been warned of tainted food as the FDA furloughs workers, thinning ranks as border agents get let go, and fewer Federal prosecutors, and don’t forget about those FAA employees that have to be let go. So why, in the age of sequesteria, has the Federal Government posted job opening to fill 2,596 positions in just the past ten days? … Read more

Guess the USDA doesn’t like contrarian points of view left in comments on their blog

USDA: Americans aren’t doing what they’re told

Well, that was the headline of a post over at the Washington Examiner.  Any combination of a Federal agency and words intimating that our Overlords ain’t happy with what their subjects are doing with “their” suggestions ABSOLUTELY gets my attention:

When Americans go to the grocery store, they rarely do what they are told by federal nutrition guidelines, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

“Many of our diets aren’t what they should be,” Richard Volpe, part of the USDA’s Economic Research Service, wrote today. “Americans eat fewer fruits and vegetables than Federal nutrition guidance recommends, and we over-consume fats, added sugars, and refined grains.”

So I went on over to read the whole thing.  I learned that they can be snippy (emphasis mine), so in the end, I was snippy back:

Many of our diets aren’t what they should be. Americans eat fewer fruits and vegetables than Federal nutrition guidance recommends, and we over-consume fats, added sugars, and refined grains. Health professionals warn us that the less-healthful food choices are showing up on our waistlines and in our health, contributing to increasing cases of overweight and obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Knowing how far we stray from good dietary patterns, and whether the diets of certain segments of the population are more misaligned, can help in designing more effective programs and consumer education.

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Microcosm of Nanny State Failure: School Lunch

Being programmed by the state has finally hit kids where they live–in the stomach.  And there is an important lesson to be learned if the kids and their stomachs are listening.  That lesson is this: Federal mandates apply force, limit choices, and result in waste, and that is exactly what has happened thanks to Michelle Obama and her meddling bureaucrats at the USDA etc.

The Government was given broad power to enforce menu standards, limiting calories, and forcing food onto menus that kids simply will not eat.  The result is waste on both sides of the serving line; costs to purchase the mandated foods that cafeteria managers know kids will not eat, the forced increase in the cost of lunches to meet some arbitrary Federal guideline, and then the waste as food that is being forced on students that is thrown away.

This is the alpha and omega of the centrally planned government that Democrats dream of.  And how are the kids responding….

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Federal Mandate Drives Up School Lunch Prices in Merrimack NH

Public school-cafeteria; Fed mandate forces parents to pay more for lunches than they costWho says there is no such thing as a free lunch?  Well it wont be just Merrimack, New Hampshire.  The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 Federal mandate essentially implemented price controls everywhere School lunch is served to fund free lunch, based on federal guidelines, decided on for everyone, by a few hundred Democrats, in Washington DC, in the historically significant later part of 2010.

The Democrat Congress put the USDA on point for this program, and empowered them to manage the new federal programs under the premise that it can eliminate hunger and improve nutrition.  But at the end of the day this is little more than Federal meddling, income redistribution (again), and  using the promise of federal grants and support  to turn your public school lunch program into  a taxpayer powered soup kitchen.

And not just any soup kitchen.  A soup kitchen that has to jump through hoops if it wants to please the Federal Bureaucrats empowered to decide who is worthy of what handouts and if local taxpayers must pony up to meet the federal requirements.

One of those requirements is that schools start charging students (parents) more for each lunch purchased (during a recession),  to satisfy the mandated price defined by the legislation, regardless of how much the lunch actually costs.  Yes, the Feds are telling local school districts across the Fruited Plain what they must charge for a school lunch; whatever cost reimbursement amount the feds are willing to provide for a free lunch, regardless of what it costs us to sell a lunch to a paying student.

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