Skip’s Sauntering Snippets-#13-Biden: Affirm Transgenders in School or Poor Kids Get No Lunch

by Skip

Or, Biden’s willing to let poor kids go hungry to force transgender affirmation on schools. Talk about strings attached! The US Department of Agriculture just mandated that if a school wishes to receive Federal money meant for school lunches for poor and low-income students, those schools MUST implement all of the Biden Administration’s “anti-discrimination” policies concerning LGBTQ, especially those experiencing gender dysphoria (transgenderism).

So, let those boys into the girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms, or your kindergartner will be forced into involuntary “food abstinence” against their will – and yours. This is a PERFECT example of when a Government agency decides to take on Powers that have not been given to it AND decides that it is going to go beyond its mission. In this case, enforcing Government’s secular sexuality religion. Who thought that you’d hear “pancakes or sausage for your naughty bits” from the lunch lady?

Here’s the link to the USDA’s pronouncement.  Soft, smooth words but the Tyranny is leering from behind President Asterisk: “Do as I tell you or little Johnny and Janie go hungry”.

Nice guy, that Biden feller.

Making Kindergartners political pawns. So, Gilford High School Anthony Sperazzo, which “political pawn” is worse – me PROTESTING the Gilford School Systems anti-Free Speech and implementing the mandate that you HAVE to lie to Parents, or make little (and not so little) ones go hungry?

Here’s some links:

DeSantis Criticizes Biden’s Move to Force Gender Ideology by Cutting Off School Lunch Funding

Biden admin ties funds for school lunches to compliance with transgender mandates

Biden Admin Holding Children’s Lunch Money Hostage to Force Schools to Push Transgenderism

If Schools Don’t Let Boys Into Girls’ Bathrooms, Biden Will Take Their Lunch Money




  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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