Taking stock of my first two months in Washington
Sometimes, when you’re moving fast, it’s a good idea to take a moment and look back at all the ground you’ve covered. March 5th marks two months since the new Congress convened. I want to tell you about the many things I’ve been doing these past eight weeks.
I’m proud to follow-through on my pledge to be a Congressman who is actively in touch with folks here in New Hampshire. My guiding rule is simple: I will be in Washington whenever there is a debate or vote on the House floor, and for committee hearings and meetings. Otherwise, I will be here in the district so I can stay in touch with people. This is the best way I can effectively represent you on Capitol Hill.
I held my first town hall meeting in Laconia in early February. We had to delay it for 24 hours because of one of the many snowstorms that have pounded us all winter, but that didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the 100+ folks who showed up on a frigid Thursday night. The crowd was so large, we had to move it to a bigger facility next door in order to seat everyone. As this column was going to press, I was scheduled to hold my first tele-town hall on March 1st. Look for more of both types of meetings in the near future.
My staff has held open office hours in Jackson and Conway, with more scheduled in different towns soon.
I’m also traveling across the district, talking about issues that matter to Granite Staters and listening to their concerns. I’ve met with the Great Bay Water Community Coalition in Dover, toured the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, visited the GE Aviation Plant in Hooksett and talked with fishermen at the Yankee Fishermen’s Coop in Seabrook. I’ve visited Frisbie Memorial Hospital in Rochester, Lake Regional General Hospital in Laconia and Exeter Hospital to discuss healthcare concerns, and Bakersville School in Manchester and Spaulding High School in Rochester to learn more about education needs.
The pace has been just as fast in Congress. In one of our first acts during the new session, I had the honor of reading the Second Amendment during the first time the U.S. Constitution was ever read aloud on the House floor. One of our very first votes was to cut Congressional staff spending by 5%. It is only right that the very first spending reduction came in our own budgets; the House must lead the way by example as we ask all Americans to get by with less federal funding.
Of course, the first major piece of legislation we passed was the long-sought repeal of last year’s healthcare reform law. I was proud to vote with the majority in passing it. The existing law fails to deliver the very thing Americans want: affordable, quality healthcare coverage. It is so badly flawed, it would be better to scrap it and start over from scratch to give people the true reform they want.
I voted for…
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