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For the First Time in Years, I Simply Walked past the Salvation Army Kettle …

Unlike Progressive-Socialists who believe that “charity” can only be carried out by Government and not by private entities (see Bernie Sanders, below), Conservatives believe that each ONE of us is PERSONALLY responsible for helping others out – not as a Collective.

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Speech narratives education propaganda indoctrination

UK: Unconscious-Bias Training Doesn’t Work

England is a very #woke nation. They tend to be all-in on the post-modern morass of BS. But they’ve just taken a step back from this circus of nonsense. Unconscious bias training will no longer be required for civil servants because they say it doesn’t work.

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Why is Chris Sununu Allowing Government Employees to be Indoctrinated With “Critical Race (White Privilege) Theory”?

So let’s begin with the concept of critical race theory. I’ll give you the short version, but here is a link to an hour-plus discussion by Heritage. Essentially, “critical race theory” describes the pseudoscientific concept that all people with white skin are inherently racists and are not even aware of it because they have “internalized” … Read more

NH-Democrats Have a New Way to Call You Racist – “Unconscious Bias”

So this: Get it? Unconscious bias. You’re a racist, but sadly you aren’t even aware you are a racist. But fortunately the NH-Democrats … who, just ask them, are smarter than you, morally superior to you, more courageous than you … know unconscious bias when they see it. And they can help. With unconscious bias … Read more

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