Are Americans Different?

Are Americans Different … What has Changed?

Are Americans Different? What has Changed? Many Americans flatter themselves. We Americans are better than others. But are we smarter and more civilized? Maybe, but probably not. We did however build a greater country. There have been people, Americans who just had something in them, making them better. Maybe we inherited some of it. Is being … Read more

Tolerance and Acceptance or Racism and Marxism


The founders, those who wrote the U.S. Constitution, understood people. They knew sometimes there is a need to complain publicly about governmental policies adversely affecting us. The American Revolution began with just such protests. The Declaration of Independence was a 28 item list of grievances against the King. Demonstrations are part of the fabric of … Read more

Common Good Is Basic to Capitalism.

James Madison vs AOC

The Effect of Self Interest Motivation on Income Redistribution There is a transitional gain that occurs when self-interested individuals secure a flow of benefits to be redistributed their way. The flow of benefits gets capitalized into assets with the transfer. Recipients receive only a normal rate of return on their now more highly valued assets. … Read more

When does a President become a dictator?

This from today’s Washington Post: President Obama is considering a series of new executive actions aimed at working around a recalcitrant Congress….One of the first orders is expected this week….The moves underscore Obama’s increasingly aggressive use of executive authority….. Query: Does the U.S. Constitution provide for a President to bypass “a recalcitrant Congress” when it … Read more

An Essay: What is “Constitutional”? Who decides?

Yesterday I cited an 1886 Supreme Court decision that ruled that unconstitutional actions or statutes are…inoperative, and of no effect (see it HERE). My long-time buddy and fellow lawyer—I’ll call him Larry—sent me a friendly warning about that post, as follows:

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What exactly does this mean?

“An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed.” Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425, 426 (1886). That’s a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court. We … Read more

“Point, Romney.”

Mitt Romney - Candidate for President - but is he a racist for running
Well, well, well....Mitt surprises us with his performance.

First the good. Obama’s leg-humping poodles in the mainstream media said “Romney abandoned the Tea Party!” That was of course typical MSM biased BS. On the contrary, Romney didn’t abandon the forceful Tea Party ideals at all. And that’s important. Here’s why….

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The emergence of Chief Justice John Roberts….

Chief Justice John Roberts...and Chief Justice John Marshall

The Obamacare decision crafted by Chief Justice Roberts…may be the best of all possible outcomes, including striking the whole thing down as unconstitutional. I’ve been mulling the decision over since it was announced yesterday, and have had the persistent feeling that…something is going on here that is not clear. It’s been a nagging suspicion I’ve had since the decision was announced. Skip blogged yesterday about it, saying, that “I’m no lawyer, but….” Even so, Skip came very close to seeing entirely through the noise and chaff, and discerning what actually may be going on. At one point he said “has Roberts actually laid in a hidden ambush (albeit, long term) by creating a virtual dead-end canyon into which Lib Big Govt-ers are going to get led into?” 

I believe the answer to that question is…

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