San Francisco

San Francisco Drops Ban After They Discover No One Cares

Democrat-run plantations with names like California or San Francisco have this notion that they have influence outside their political boundaries. They can’t help but try to project power to get their way in places where no one would ever elect them to public office.

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airliner jet airplane sunset Photo by Etienne Jong on Unsplash

If You Want to Travel Legally to the US the CDC Requires an Updated COVID Shot – Illegals Can Keep Coming Without One

Rumor has it the US Public Health Emergency will end on May 11 (depends on what you mean by “public health & Emergency). But instead of ending its COVID-injected mandate for foreign travelers, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will not just require it.

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Randolph NH Crash that killed 7

Public Health: Why Not Ban Domestic Travel ‘cuz Crash Mortality and Climate Change Dogma?

America was conquered by covidiots who took control of significant portions of state and federal government. They have imposed their will and brainwashed millions. One of those, some ass on sports-talk radio, was defending a travel ban from Florida to Massachusetts. Calling objections to that straw men arguments.

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Rope a Dope

C’Mon Man, A US President Bans Travel From South Africa and It’s Not Racist?

A sitting US President has just diminished the US in the eyes of the world by expanding his travel ban. A new ‘Africa’ ban “is designed to make it harder for black and brown people to immigrate to the United States.” It’s a disgrace.

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NY Gov. Cuomo Issues Quarantine He Said, ‘Was Like Declaring War’ When Trump Mentioned It for New York

When New York was the world’s Hot Spot for COVID-19 infections, the President mentioned how some people wanted a two-week quarantine for parts of New York and New Jersey. Gov Cuomo had some not-so-kind things to say about that, but I guess he forgot them. 

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Pelosi tears up SOTU

President Trump Warned America About Coronavirus in the Speech Pelosi Tore Up

First, credit where it is due. My title is the title of this piece at Milne There is simply no better way to describe it. In his State of the Union Address, Mr. Trump was clear when he said,My Administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat.”

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Nancy Pelosi

President Trump Expands Travel Ban – Democrats Lose Their Minds

Speaker Pelosi has released a statement on the Administration’s newly proposed expanded travel ban. Mr. Trump has added Myanmar, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Sudan to the list. Virtue signaling has ensued with haste.

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Breaking: Judge Throws Out Travel Ban Lawsuit Against Trump

A judge has ruled the right to familial association only applies “to people already legally in the U.S. and cannot be used to demand the country let in relatives who aren’t in the country.” The government has the right to ban visas including under President Trump’s Travel Ban.

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Oregon Gov’s Kate Brown’s Budget Message – Time to Get the Hell Out Of the Beaver State

Governor Kate Brown’s proposed Oregon State budget looks like a progressive dream. She’s spending like a drunken sailor. Raising taxes and fees. She’s got a four million dollar line item for legal costs to fight with president Trump. Half of that money would go into an “Oregon Defense Fund” and pay for ongoing and forthcoming … Read more

Breaking: Supreme Court Upholds Trump Travel Ban

The US Supreme Court has ruled that Mr. Trump has the constitutional authority to institute his thrice proposed travel ban. President Trump’s travel ban is both legal and constitutional, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday, reversing a series of anti-Trump decisions by lower courts and delivering a landmark win for the White House. The justices, in … Read more

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