
Critical Race Theory Divides Instead of Unites the Nation

I have to respond to Charles Ajootian (Letter to the Editor, below) who says, several times, I forget. No, I do not forget those things mentioned, I lived through some of them. Being 78 years old I remember Selma, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. being killed, the murder of young northern kids bussed down to Mississippi, and many more.

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Rosie Rung1

Merrimack State Rep. Rosemarie Rung just accused you of treason

by Tom

In a never-ending competition to be as publicly abrasive and unprofessional as NH State Rep. Sherry Frost (Lunatic-Dover), one of Merrimack’s new leftist State Reps, Rosemarie Rung, has gone off the rails yet again. (and again here) This time, she’s actually calling you a traitor to your country if you support Trump – simply because … Read more

Impeach Nancy Pelosi for crimes of Treason!

I’ve received several requests to share this. It is a petition to impeach Nancy Pelosi. Now, I think we know, that’s not going to happen. It takes significant pressure just to get Democrats to frown at the antics of their ideological peers. But this is out there.

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Jeanne Shaheen – Enemy of the Constitution

by Tom

Yesterday, the US Senate voted on an amendment to “uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty“. While this issue could come up for another vote during the session, this action essentially rejected the UN Gun Ban Treaty – officially called the “Arms Trade Treaty” (ATT) – which was … Read more

The Congresswoman From EMILY’s List

I guess when Carol Shea-Porter took office she swore to defend her special interest donors before the constitution and the people. That’s how she’s legislated. That’s how she’s voted. That’s who she is.

To think about on July 4th…

by Tom

The HBO Series, "John Adams", gave us a unique window into the hearts and minds of the Founding Fathers, as people, and as magnificent thinkers.  This scene captures the seriousness and difficulty of convincing 13 independent "countries", to break away from their Motherland, and for all involved to risk capture, torture and death…   Needless … Read more

Republicans For Obama

  Back in November 2007 Obama For America published a press release listing 68 New Hampshire Republicans who had publicly announced their support for Obama.  One signatory was quoted thusly… “Barack Obama is the only candidate who will be able to break the partisan logjam and inspire Americans to come together around real solutions.” This of … Read more

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