For over a year, governments all over the world have been standing in the way of free people in unprecedented ways. As a libertarian, it’s felt quite lonely at times, hasn’t it? Well, let me lift you up with some good news that will help you feel less isolated. In New Hampshire, liberty activists have been working hard and pushing back with over 40 bills to curb the government’s power.
Tom Woods
From Dangerous Documentaries: A Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution
The Politically Incorrect Guide, a project of Dangerous Documentaries and the Capital Research Center, kicked off this morning, releasing its first episode, “The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution.”
Nashua Curfew Is an Empty Useless Gesture That Will Stop Jobs and Commerce And Nothing Else
Democrats excel at meaningless gestures. Gun control increases crime. Welfare traps people in poverty. Mask mandates do nothing, nor does distancing, lockdowns, curfews, or dining restrictions. It’s all a waste of time and the lives of people who have nothing to fear from their latest boogie-man, COVID19.
Tom Woods Burns Lockdowns and Mask Mandates to the Ground
If you do not know Dr. Tom Woods, you should. He’s brilliant and deserves your attention, not just for the matter at hand, though it is critically important. The new wave of lockdowns and mask mandates threatens liberty (more, again). Tom Woods is here to help arm you for your defense.
Just in time for the national election: This needs to go VIRAL
Sign up to stay updated about a new film by the incomparable Tom Woods of the Ludwig Von Mises Institute and author of “Meltdown”. Get an idea of what it’s all about:
GrokTalk! Saturday March 19th, 2011 Live From The Nullify Now Tour
Live Streaming local and National News with opinion you could only get from GraniteGrok.
It’s GrokTalk! This Saturday from 10am-6pm…
EMail: Call us! 603-626-6275
GrokTALK! and GrokTV will be broadcasting live, all day long, from the Nullify Now Tour at SNHU in Manchester.
Strap yourselves in…
Time change–starting around ???
(Event Speakers List on the Jump)
Live stream:
GrokTalk! Saturday March 12th, 2011
Live Streaming local and National News with opinion you could only get from GraniteGrok.
It’s GrokTalk! This Saturday from 9-11AM…
EMail: Call us! 603-524-7478
Jenn Coffey, NH state House representative and vice chairman of the Commerce and Consumer Affairs committee.
Tom Woods— yes, that Tom Woods; best selling author, and senior fellow at the Ludwig con Mises Institute…
And, House Rep’s George Lambert and Andrew Manuse of our very own New Hampshire Natural Rights Caucus. Plus (perhaps) a special guest co-host or two.
(More about some of our guests on the jump)