Granite Grok’s Top Twenty Posts For 2012

Granite Grok's TopTwenty most commented on posts for 2012Hot Air does this every year, so I figured I’d give it a shot.  It is a compilation of the posts that got the most comments in 2012.  That’s right, this is comment based.

And I can tell you, since I have a few posts on this list, that how well you write, or how clever you are, is not nearly as important as hitting the right note at just the right time.  That or some much more interesting tangents pop up in comments and then take on a life of their own.

However they got there, here are the twenty most commented on Grok posts of 2012 whether the comments are related to the post or not!

20.) So, gay activists, where do you think this will end up? We’ve all asked the question…if two men getting married is a right, why not three?  Skip provides a cartoon and some comments, and attracts all the right kind of attention for his effort.

19.) Oh, so THAT’s what they look like! Susan Olsen shares with us the ‘Journalists Guide to Firearms identification. Proof that a picture is worth a thousand words, or at least a bunch of comments.

18.) Meet Another State Employee Wasting Taxpayer Time Online Dick de Seve wasn’t the only state employee with way too much free time on their hands, and open access to the Internet.  In this post we meet Gaia, who made deSeve look like an armature.

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Ron Paul’s Farewell Address on the House Floor

It’s over 48 minutes so grab a beverage and a snack.  Good speech.  Compelling questions.  (And yes,  as a matter of fact I do expect Tim to re-post this having not noticed I put it up already.  Dig!) Here’s a meat and potatoes RP quote for you to chew on… “I’ve thought a lot about … Read more

RightOnline Bloggers – Write On-Line About Independence Day

RightOnline Bloggers share their Independence day postsThe bloggers of RightOnline 2012–sounds like a bad idea for a calendar–took to the internet yesterday to share some thoughts on the 236th anniversary of America’s Declaration of Independence.   And some of those shared  posts with each other.  I thought it would be helpful to compile a few here at GraniteGrok.

Where there was more than on post offered I selected a single article to feature here. This does not necessarily mean it was the best of the lot so I encourage you to browse for these and other excellent observations when you visit.  And feel free to add any or all of these folks to your on-line reading list.

Here are their thoughts or observations in particualr order.

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RightOnline Reloaded

I’m still getting my bearings but here’s a picture of the New Hampshire contingent at RightOnline.  The State was well represented.

So what did Union Leader’s Ted Seifer wish to accomplish with this line?

by Skip

Filling a vacancy on any Supreme Court–be it the US Supremes or the NH Supremes–is a big deal, so it is no surprise that people are talking and reporting on it (as we have here, here, and here).  So did the Union Leader;  Ted Seifer interviewed Tim, asking him about the NHLRF‘s position on Gov. John Lynch’s nominee for the NH Supreme Court, Jim Basssett.   Having gotten the link from a friend I decided to read the piece and this caught my eye:

Condon, its current chairman, is a Grafton attorney who has been active in the Free State movement.

Factually true, but what does the Free State Project connection have to do with the NH Constitutional basis that forms the basis for the NHLRF activities?

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RightOnline 2012

Tim, Mike, Rick, and Steve (yes, me) will be heading out to RightOnline in Vegas in just a few weeks.  Here’s a little primer–clips from 2011. Note from Skip: I had been expecting to go as well but I was told by my boss that I should be going to San Diego for a … Read more

What and who are the neocons, really?

Me in stern rebuke mode

So I got into a little contretemps online the other day about “neocons” when someone suggested that I was one, or at least a supporter of one in saying Rep. Allen West of Florida would make an interesting choice for GOP vice president. In response I went off on a bit of a historical rant, explaining who the neocons (more accurately “Neo-Conservatives,” as they were originally known) are, and where they came from (the moniker today is usually just used as an epithet, with no historical background; kind of a substitute for “war monger”). My rant apparently served some purpose, as some people have emailed me and said “thanks, I never was clear before on exactly who or what the neocons were.” Then Skip saw it and said “run it, run it!” So, okay, here’s a heavily edited version of what I said:

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GrokTalk! Saturday January 29th 2011 [UPDATED]

Live Streaming local and National News from Former GOP gubernatorial candidate and Tea Party favorite Jack Kimball was elected chairman of the NH Republican Party. So…what’s it all about? What does it bode for the NH GOP? What’s it mean for the state of New Hampshire? We’ve got a star-studded cast coming on the show Saturday morning to … Read more

Where’s Condon?

Just like Where’s Waldo, we have hidden in this picture from the New York Times article Skip just mentioned below, (Ok ‘hidden’ is the wrong word), Grokster Tim Condon. Can you spot him?

It’s GrokTalk! – At the Annual GOP Convention!

It’s GrokTalk! – At the Annual GOP Convention!
We may not be broadcasting live (or will we?) but whatever the circumstance we’ll be there from before the start until after the finish, recording and then pod-casting from inside and outside the Republican annual convention.

GrokTALK! – 9am -11am, Saturday December 18th, 2010

Holy GrokTALK! Batman it’s GrokTALK!  120 minutes of Live Streaming local and National News with political insight you could ONLY get from   On this week’s Program…  Jeannie Forrester  will call in to talk to us about her new gig in the State Senate NH House Rep David Bates gives us his opinion on … Read more

GrokTALK! – 9am -11am, Saturday December 4th, 2010

Yes It’s GrokTALK!  120 minutes of Live Streaming local and National News with political insight you could ONLY get from   On this week’s Program… Free State Project Founder Jason Sorens  will be on the air with us Well look at the effect that FSP has had on New Hampshire Tim Condon, GraniteGrok contributor … Read more

This Week’s GrokTALK 11-13-2010

A mixture of politics, culture, current events, and well, politics, it is an Internet Radio show streaming live audio and video directly from GraniteGrok. Using a solidly Conservative and Rational Libertarian lens, we’ll take on almost any topic and have notables from the news, political figures, authors, and other opinionated folks for your edification and amusement.

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