I speak of the Tax Reform passed at the end of last year in which the Republicans (FINALLY doing something aligned “with our values”) fought the Democrats to do one simple, easy to understand idea: you get to keep more of your hard earned money. Why is that so anathema to Democrats? Oh, because they are really Socialists and Government ALWAYS comes before anybody else. After all, Tax Reform is not just just good for we citizens, it’s doing rather well for the country as a whole (emphasis mine):
Item 1: Kroger announced that it was accelerating wage hikes, increasing the company’s 401(k) match, enhancing benefits, and expanding employee discounts. All, it said, thanks to the Republican tax reforms. Kroger joins more than 500 other companies who’ve extended bonuses, wage hikes, or improved benefits to more than 4 million workers in the wake of the law’s sharp reduction in corporate tax rates.
Sure, shareholders have received a lot of the now freed up money in this “keep your own money to yourself” law. Why not? They own the company – they took their cash, bought part of a company via their buying shares and expect a good return on their money. That said, employees demonstrably have received a heck of a lot of money that they otherwise wouldn’t have received. Yet, Democrat Progressive Nancy Pelosi keeps saying that letting people keep more of their money instead of the Government keeping it is a “tax scam”. Once again, she lets us all know whose money it should be.
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