Quick Thought – I wonder if School Districts have even realized this yet?

by Skip

I would hope that School Boards would ask themselves “Really” when they review the graphic below? Frankly, #1 and #3 are ABSOLUTELY being done right now. We also know that #4, #5 and #6 are also “School Morality” that conflicts with many (if not most) Parents’ set of moral teachings for their kids.

Grooming of Students

And the last one is the worst – “…nothing more than FEELings….”. Enough with the feelz already – what about actual reality and facts? Or have you gone so far down the Progressive / BLM / CRT / SJW road that NOTHING is objective?

So, are you saying that in order to educate our kids, we need to revert back to Homeschooling?  Not a bad idea, given WHAT you are teaching to kids nowadays.

(H/T: Partners for Ethical Care)

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