Notable Quote – Lying with Impunity and Then Demanding You Affirm Their Lie

by Skip

“The modern Left’s standard tactic is first to propose a transparent counterfactual (men becoming women perhaps being the most egregious), act on it as if it were real, and demand we all do the same. They never stop, they never sleep, they never quit.

The Great Reset proposes to command by fiat what Nature and Nature’s God has thus far refused to countenance. Just surrender your freedom; your mobility; even your diet—eat more bugs! they sing—and heed us. But the sirenic Alemannis and the Davoisie have poultry legs, and the Chinese relish for chicken feet ought to give us pause.”

—Michael Walsh, (introduction, Against the Great Reset)

A great Overton Window being shoved to the Left. The Transgender movement, school-aged version, mirrors that first observation quite well. Not only can boys be girls and girls be boys, but they SHOULD be allowed to do so (even as our lyin’ eyes and thousands of years of evolution tell us otherwise).  The next counterfactual (as Walsh puts it) is that we MUST “affirm”, nay, CELEBRATE that – or the kids will kill themselves (ask that noted psychologist, NH Democrat Party Chair Ray Buckley).

A twofer. Now add to that “lying to ourselves” and that we are required to “love” them (really, it IS a demand that we love completely unknown children), is that we give up our Constitutional Rights: Free Speech (and speak only that which Govt allows – in this case “preferred pronouns”). Then, as Parents, we are to not worry about Government Schools willing take on the mantle of being able to lie to Parents (all  court decisions holding that Parents ARE in charge of their children’s upbringing to the contrary) concerning the sexuality of “their students” (see Buckley, above).

This is the 2+25 situation we find ourselves – and it seems that every day brings other Progressive ideas that we know are lies – like not punishing those that do crimes against Society should not be dealt with according to black letter law that Society has enacted to protect itself from these deranged, unfit, and evil people. Crime rates soaring?  We are supposed to believe that WE are responsible because Society has and is oppressing them as yet another “marginalized” group (as if they are incapable of following the Laws that the rest of us are bound to follow).

And that Biden can wield “prosecutorial discretion” along our Southern Border and allow 5 million new illegal immigrants into the county because America has been and continues to be an Oppressor nation (even as China and Mexico are free to flood our country with fentanyl and other drugs with impunity that kill over 300 of our countrymen daily).

November 8th is soon coming – ask youself: how much longer are you willing to have lies foisted upon you and then forced to believe they are actually truth?

After all, “we have always been at war with Eastasia” (when Orwell’s 1984 starts with war being aimed against Eurasia). They expect us to believe them in real life, like Biden announcing that our Country is strong and that all Republicans are stochastic terrorists” merely because we are his political enemies.


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