“The politicization of everything”

by Skip

Concord_Monitor_logoBill Bunker, a conservative commentor over at the Concord Monitor (yes, there are a few!) actually had an Op-Ed piece published by said paper by the name above (reformatted, emphasis mine):

…Politics spills into every aspect of our society, including sports, entertainment, faith, education and even corporate America. No aspect of our lives is immune from toxic political sewage spewing from those with an agenda, ideology and thirst for power. What brings fans together at a sporting event is the game. Uniting behind our favorite team, we find common ground and sameness. We can be of a different race, economic class, gender, politics or faith, and we meet on common ground. Politics has eroded and is ruining that tiny bit of unity.

Athletes and media outlets like ESPN abuse their powerful celebrity pulpit, destroying what little common unity many of us have left. Subtle suggestions of our supposed racism and sexism in Super Bowl ads is a prime example of politics permeating the institution of sports and pitting one fan against the other.

My comment is after the jump and wouldn’t you know it, two sad examples of injecting Progressive politics showed up today:

The Left (via the feminist movement) coined the phrase years ago “The political is personal, the personal is political“.

This is exactly what Bill Bunker is writing about: politics extruded into every nook and cranny of life. Even being a political blogger, I hate it – there is no refuge from it anymore, no place to escape it. For all of the talk about “safe spaces” (on highly politicized campuses and now oozing out into the Public Square), the Left has insured that there are no “safe spaces” from politics. Nothing can be seen, talked about, or enjoyed without the overhang of politics. EVERYthing has been politicized and politically weaponized.

I will reserve commenting on the “Why?” of this for a later time.

And the two examples showing that the Left is willing to leave no place untouched and no activity beyond reach:

Protesters harass, chase DHS secretary from dinner at Mexican restaurant

Activists with the D.C. chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America crashed Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s dinner Tuesday evening and appeared to chase her from the building. According to a Facebook Live video posted to DSA’s Facebook page, protesters surrounded Nielsen’s corner table at MXDC Cocina Mexicana, located just a few blocks from the White House. The activists chanted about Nielsen and the Trump administration’s zero tolerance policy for illegal immigrants, called the DHS secretary a “fascist pig,” and said they couldn’t believe she had the “f****** gall” to eat at a Mexican restaurant while the administration is separating illegal immigrant families who seek to enter the country outside of certified ports of entry.

So, not only did they intrude into Nielsen’s “private space”, they did it to all of the other patrons of the restaurant as well. Is there no “Safe Space” at all (/sarc – it exists only for the Progressives /SJWs/ Socialists) These are outright Socialists – these other innocents, I guess, became involved in the “personal-political” because they voluntarily  decided not to be hungry?  To make their political point, they ruined everyone’s meal.  Is this what politics should be?

What what will be said when the Right adopts the same tactics – an “arms race” that, if we look at other countries over time, turns into a real one? There are many on the Right that feel we are being shoved closer and closer to a hot war with the Left not realizing that if it comes to that, things may not turn out as they believe it will.

At least they were just screaming and being obnoxious.  Has been actor Peter Fonda seemingly decided to rile up a mob and commit violence:

Peter fonda-640x336

And the intent is on full display – simply because of a political disagreement:

Peter Fonda harrace ICE agents kids

Screencaps only – the tweets were deleted.

Sidenote: More liberal bias from Twitter?  Peter Fonda’s Twitter account is still active and he still has his blue sticker of “authenticity” even have having been turned in (note the answer from Twitter to one conservative that turned in the tweets).  If a conservative had done this, they would have been wiped out in a heart beat.

And the Democrats, with full display of their tactics, keep kvetching why EPA head Scott Pruitt has to have an expensive security detail? For as much as the Democrats preach tolerance, they sure don’t show much, do they?

And with threatening tactics like these, they wonder why we don’t want to give up our guns?

(H/T: Washington Examiner, Republican Matters)




  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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