US Supreme Court Building

No, Supreme Court Justice Roberts can’t Stop Trump from Nominating Another Justice

For background: US Constitution, Section 2: Powers of the Presidency “…He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur;”

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Trump SCOTUS Nominee – So what is the backdrop to SCOTUS and the Prez election?

I’m listening to Meet the Press that I DVR’d and Pete William of NBC New just nailed what all the importance is about replacing SCOTUS Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg: The upcoming case on Obamacare (again – Red States brought suit that if there is no individual mandate and tax on not enrolling, it’s unconstitutional) and … Read more

US Supreme Court Building

Biden/Harris administration announces Supreme Court short list

With the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Biden/Harris administration has announced its list of prospective nominees to fill the now open seat on the country’s highest court. In keeping with their earlier announced intent to nominate a woman of color, the list is topped by Loretta Lynch and Susan Rice. And keeping in … Read more

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Breaking: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsberg has passed at 87

We pass our condolences to Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s family at this announcement of her death from her latest bout of pancreatic cancer. She had said that she would serve for as long as she was productive and then and ONLY then, retire.

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The No. 1 Reason to Re-Elect President Trump & Preserve Control of the Senate

When Chief Justice Roberts was nominated and being considered for confirmation to the Court, the Left opposed his nomination on the grounds that he would be “too conservative” and that he would cement the so-called conservative block on the Court. Well, how’s that worked out so far?

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Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Egyptions: Use a better Constitution than ours

I could not believe my ears and eyes when I watched this video of her giving advice to the Egyptians as their “Arab Spring” moment moves onward and they begin the process of creating a their new Mubarek-less State (will that be a great tradeoff for the US with the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafists controlling 75% of the new Parliament?  Does anyone disagree that the operative phrase is going to be “Shar’iah Law”?).  Given Bader Ginsburg’s status as one of THE defenders of the US Constitution, I could only shake my head. I expected more – much more.  Sure, if one is a law lecturer, a legal scholar (which the Justices are, no doubt), I would not have been as surprised (slightly annoyed, but not surprised).  But not only did I (and I would posit most Americans as well), expect her to be that scholar and more, and one that would have been championing the checks and balances, the simplicity of our Constitution.

From MEMRI, the short form:

Here is a longer version that was posted by the US Embassy in Cairo of the interview:

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