Belknap County NH

The Hits Keep Coming – Part 3

If you are keeping count, this is the third in the series of posts outlining the problems which continue in Belknap county.

The county administration for 2018 has taken a more low-profile strategy in their attempts to take control of appropriating authority. On July 17, 2018, at the Executive Committee review of the budget, a little problem popped up.

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Belknap County NH

The Hits Keep Coming – Part 2

The 2017 sprinkler scam fell apart pretty quickly so for 2018 the Belknap county commissioners tried a more stealthy plan to snatch a few bucks from the contingency fund.

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Belknap County NH

The Hits Keep Coming

As the ink was still drying on the 2017 Belknap county budget a crisis arose which would require dipping into the county’s contingency fund.

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Belknap County NH

Belknap County Investigation

For far too long the Belknap County Board of Commissioners have been usurping budgetary authority from the County Convention.

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Braying Donkey

Manchester’s Deceptive School Charter Amendment?

The bureaucrats are making a move in Manchester. The city has proposed a charter amendment that would give the school board the power to set its own spending.

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City of Nashua seth-dewey-EOlo15oy8Ks-unsplash

The Spending Cap Is Back

Nashua adopted a budget cap by its charter through a city-wide referendum in the year 1993. The
cap on spending was enforced over a 25-year period, with only a few “override” votes, until the city
government decided to permanently exclude about $17 million from the cap for sewer expenses
through the adoption of an ordinance.

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USS Raleigh Burning NH State Flag

Sununu: “If there’s dollars out there from the federal government, you bet we’ll take them…”

One of my pet peeves is politicians who talk about fiscal responsibility or spending or tax cuts but who happily, if not greedily, accept federal money with open arms. Chris Sununu is petting my peeves, if you catch my drift.

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Graph Data Data point

The Deficit Is At $28.3 Trillion and the Bidenistas Want to Spend Another $3.4 Trillion…

I have been saying that the Federal Government spending (and deficit) have been unsustainable for about a decade – and have been pretty much ignored. Now that the deficit is at $28.3 Trillion.

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AFP New Hampshire AFP-NH

A Budget That Will Transform New Hampshire for the Better

Ten years ago, the New Hampshire legislature passed a transformative budget that set the state up for an economic boom that has benefited tens of thousands of residents.

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Nashua Mayor Jim Donchess

Nashua Spending: It’s So Easy When It Is Other Peoples’ Money

If any Nashua residents still think that our mayor and/or our Board of Aldermen care about our money, they are wrong. Last year while residents were locked down in this pandemic, the mayor was renovating City Hall to make it COVID compliance.

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Highway interstate night time

Biden Administration Says Highways Are Racist

Whoever is Running the Biden Administration (WRBA) want’s to remake America’s Highway system in its own image. In search of holes to fill with your great-grandchildren’s freshly printed money, they propose removing some highways because they are racist.

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City of Nashua Ever-Increasing Budgets – More Money for It Means Less for You!

No matter WHO Government taxes, it always comes down to Individuals to pay. You pay your home’s property tax AND you are paying businesses’ property taxes as well (via increased costs when you buy their products and services).

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Hill NH

Local School Board Hijacks Hill, New Hampshire.

The town of Hill, New Hampshire, has a population of around 1100, and according to a reader – who is desperate for help – their School board has engaged in a fiscal lynching of the local residents.

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Tom Licata

‘Dear Democrats and Progressives …’

In response to Kevin Ellis’s commentary (“An open letter from Kevin Ellis – ‘Dear Republicans…’,” VTD, May 9), below is a mostly mirror image to his commentary. I know you are nervous. You see it slipping away. That Great Society revolution you rode for nearly 60 years is almost gone. 

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Data Point – And the Left is ALWAYS Yammering about “Sustainability”?

It is clear that Karl Marx’s mantra “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” applies well to “wealth transfers.” Starting with Social Security under FDR, our Republic has turned into the “take from one to give to another” society.

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IT Cloud Internet

Is Nashua Overpaying For Its It Systems?

Nashua taxpayers’ have some serious problems and cyber-security issues within the IT Department. Yet, we’re spending a LOT for them. Taxpayers have paid the following for their IT Department over the last 8 months.

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NH State House Dome

House Budget Cuts State Spending, Taxes

The 2022-23 state budget passed in the state House of Representatives on Wednesday would reduce state general and education fund spending by 1.4% below actual 2020-21 state spending. The reduction from what legislators approved in the last session is even larger. 

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Dumpster Fire

The Infrastructure of Racism with Regard to Racist Infrastructure

Everything is racist, and racism is everything except their racism. That’s not racist at all, and it’s not anti-racist because there’s no such thing because they say so.

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Uprising chart

Josiah Bartlett: Amid Enrollment Decline, NH School Spending Has Risen Sharply

A review of public school spending, staffing, and enrollment numbers going back to the 1994-95 school year might surprise a lot of Granite Staters who have heard for decades that New Hampshire public schools have been underfunded.

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The CCB19 (Communist Chinese Bioweapon19) Democrat Spending Bill

The CCB19 (Communist Chinese Bioweapon19) Democrat Spending Bill to Cost US Taxpayers $13,260 Each. Of course, with all things Washington DC, that is not bad enough. Unspent billions sit unused. Like uninvestigated ballots in the NH AG’s Election Eunuchs office in Concord.

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