Social Justice Ideology Compromises “Real” Science

Once upon a time, scientific inquiry was premised on ideas of objectivity, factual analysis, and avoiding bias. The advent of social justice theory, post-modernist thought, and climate alarmism have polluted the waters of many once-prestigious science journals. This political transformation of what was once called science has given rise to pseudo-scientific partisanship on both sides … Read more

“Social Justice” Is Neither Social nor Just

Thomas Sowell has given us a penetrating criticism of the approach to justice taken by many political philosophers, especially John Rawls and his innumerable followers. He says that they construct an image of the way society ought to be but fail to ask whether their plans are feasible. His criticism is well-taken, although he does not offer an adequate account of the rights that people have.

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Treehugger Serves Up a “Food Apartheid” Word Salad

by Skip

Treehugger, that former font of Eco-Socialism, went pretty much dry when they fired the writers (like Lloyd Alter and Sami Grover) that were smart, stuck to their guns – and provoked a community of commenters that often were more interesting than the articles themselves.

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Woke Trojan Horse into Education Schools Twitter

Notable Quote –

by Skip

The political left has never understood that, if you give the government enough power to create “social justice,” you have given it enough power to create despotism. Millions of people around the world have paid with their lives for overlooking that -Prof. Thomas Sowell ( Barbarians Inside the Gates) “Social Justice” is really Mob Justice. … Read more

rats-wood-cell-many-66617045 dreamstime by Deyangeorgiev

Woke Rats in Our Midst

The conservative today might be flummoxed by the sudden appearance of all manner of popular society-destroying ideologies that seem to have appeared overnight. Critical Race Theory infecting our schools, Environmental Social Governance (ESG) scores infesting our largest corporations. Mumu-wearing Chief Diversity Officers at most any corporation of size. The insanity of boys calling themselves girls … Read more

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