slander Archives - Granite Grok


Thad Riley in endorsement picture

Part 3 – Attention NH GOP Chair Chris Ager: NH GOP E-Board Member Thad Riley Endorses a Democrat over a Republican – The Slander Edition, Thad?

Well, well, it seems that Thad Riley isn’t enjoying the attention we have given him as this NH GOP Executive Board member (Assistant Secretary) since he decided that being a “Republican Role Model” isn’t part of the job description.  Or that he can do what he wants given the “So what, what are they going …

Part 3 – Attention NH GOP Chair Chris Ager: NH GOP E-Board Member Thad Riley Endorses a Democrat over a Republican – The Slander Edition, Thad? Read More »

Police officer police protection

Part 2: NH State Rep Jan Schmidt – about that blatant lie you told about GraniteGrok? That really serious one?

You see, you lied about GraniteGrok. You gave the impression that we are bullies.  No, that’s not quite right – you think that we threaten violence upon others.  That even if we are bloggers / citizen journalists / opinion speakers / influence makers, that we would have the temerity, the anger, the stupidness of the …

Part 2: NH State Rep Jan Schmidt – about that blatant lie you told about GraniteGrok? That really serious one? Read More »

Response to Lies about the TEA Party

Tea party members are united by concern for our country and that the opportunity for quality lives is being stolen from future generations. My experience is that every group of Americans is represented. But we don‘t count people by race, age, sex, etc., we only see concerned Americans. Only liberals are obsessed with demographics which they try to use to deflect attention from their failing policies.
Tea party people are for individual liberty, personal responsibility, caring for the helpless, and for small, limited, Constitutionally based, fiscally responsible government that provides security and opportunity for all citizens. They demand that government live within its means. They believe that passing the cost of today’s comforts to the next and subsequent generations is immoral and shameful.