Keeping Up With Nick Sandmann – NBC Settles 275 Million Dollar Defamation Suit

Nick Sandmann could write a book. How to mind your own damn business and get rich. That’s what happened to him. He was standing around in a MAGA hat, and the Left rolled up, got in his face, and smeared him mercilessly.

All he had to do was stand there and then lawyer up.

Which he did, after the media ran countless stories slandering and libeling the then Covington School teenager.

Hey, he was a white kid in a MAGA hat. He had to be a racist. A thought they keep thinking even after unedited bystander video proved that the media manufactured the whole thing. The aggressors were the Media’s so-called victims, and Sandmann was just a casualty in their war.

After a bit of consideration, Nick had other thoughts and sued a long list of names that included media corporations and individuals. NBC is the latest media monster to settle.


NBC is the third corporate media organization to settle with Sandmann after he and his classmates were accused of mocking Native American activist Nathan Phillips during last January’s March for Life event. Sandmann was wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat while he stood close to Phillips with an apparent smirk on his face that was widely noted and mocked.


Like CNN and The Washington Post, the settlement amount was not disclosed. We do not know how many millions Nick has rolled up so far in his crusade to hold the media accountable. Given the starting line, 250-275 million each, it is undoubtedly a princely sum.

Before even considering High School or college, he can retire.

Maybe he’ll start a media company of his own.

Or maybe not.

But he could write a book. Or buy an island.



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