Media’s New Narrative Hotness: “Let’s Go Brandon” is Code for “Insurrection”

Steve MacDonald

I want to think that the legacy media is just playing to their audience when they get this stupid, but I know that’s giving them too much credit. They are stupid snowflakes easily triggered into triggering their idiot snowflake viewers.

Case in point.


Oregon resident Jared Schmeck [said] “Let’s Go, Brandon” at the end of a “NORAD Santa” Christmas Eve call with President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden.

As a result of how viral the call went on social media, the father of four has predictably been targeted for cancellation by the radical left and their “Protect the Precious” allies in the mainstream press. One CNN analyst – Ron Brownstein of The Atlantic – even bizarrely likened Schmeck’s comments, which are code for “F*** Joe Biden,” to talk of an “insurrection.”


Racism used to be the thing you were accused of if you dared to step on anyone’s political toes. That’s been mainstreamed and is not having as much effect as once it did. After all, if we are all racists, then none of us are or something. The point is that this has nothing to do with being racist or coding for insurrection. Democrats are as racist a  bunch as you’ll find, and the resistance was a moral and patriotic imperative of all Americans until they were running the government.

It’s about finding pressure points in the language to suppress any open resistance to the Left or its agenda.

Insurrection is the new racism, and as long as it has weight, it will work, but there are complications. As Sister Toldja writes at Red State,


One way this type of talk is dangerous is that it potentially could be bad news for CNN, who could be sued for slander, as my colleague Nick Arama suggested. But equally dangerous is the fact that what Wallace and others like her on the left are doing is setting the stage for literally labeling any criticism of Joe Biden as code for instigating an “insurrection,” no matter how benign the criticism.


Accusing someone of racism pales compared to being accused of insurrection by some talking head on TV, and that’s the path to killing this narrative.

Jared Schmeck (or you or I or whomever) needs to bring legal heat ASAP, even if it’s just the threat of it.

He is not a public person, and calling the White House Hotline does not make him one.

I’m sure Fox or some local will take a call from him, at which point he can calmly point out that slander or libel is illegal and that we have a process or remediation for these charges that include discovery.

Discovery has a way of revealing internal conversations within networks like CNN and MSNBC that reveal collusion or conspiracy to defame.

I’d love to see this, and I hope we do, but if not, keep the idea handy. You might need it.





  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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