The Windham Swamp: Weaponized Government – Part 1

The Government Integrity Project (GIP) was formed to ensure election integrity and to hold elected and appointed representatives accountable at all levels of government. The mission is to restore our government to the principles of our founding documents.

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ARROGANT ELITISTS? Windham Board of Selectmen Show Contempt for Their Subjects!

This past Monday, the Windham Board of Selectman Chairman Ross McLeod became unhinged for the second meeting in a row.

The public clearly expressed their displeasure of the Board’s decision to hire what many believe to be an unqualified applicant – and McLeod would have none of it. He scolded and demeaned hundreds of people he was elected to serve – instead of listening and responding to constituent concerns.

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What Happened at the “Windham Incident” Board of Selectman’s Meeting?

An overwhelming number of people tried to get into the Windham Board of Selectman’s meeting last night – but couldn’t. Not enough zoom licenses! I suspect there were thousands who tried to attend – which led to the overload. The Selectman were scheduled to discuss the “Windham Incident” and the pending voting machine audit mandated … Read more

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