Radical government officials are coming unhinged. A few weeks ago it was Windham Board of Selectman Chair Ross McLeod, calling his constituents “irrelevant”, and now it is Kim Farah – coming unhinged TWICE in the same week.
The first time was when she walked out of the Danville Selectman’s meeting and took two of her Selectman with her because her constituents refused to wear masks. Without a quorum, the Selectman’s meeting had to end.
Tonight, her antics continued – and escalated – when an elderly Sunday School teacher Kate Bossi was arrested for refusing to wear a mask when entering the Timberlane School Board meeting where Farah serves as Chairman. Folks, this is tyranny.
There are many problems with this situation, but the most obvious one is that the Agenda for the meeting clearly states,
“Attendees are asked to wear appropriate face coverings and practice social distancing protocols.”
“Asked to wear appropriate face coverings” are the words that are used. Masks are not mandated. It appears a lawsuit may be in order. More appropriately, Farah should do some soul searching and immediately resign from the Select Board AND the School Board – because she clearly does not understand the definition of Public Servant.
Farah is up for re-election in just seven weeks for her Danville Selectman position and is running unopposed – but the non-partisan Government Integrity Project (GIP) has pledged to help with a write-in campaign to oust this woman from office. Those who are interested in helping should come to this event this Saturday in Windham, from 12p-3p, and sign up to volunteer.
Alternatively, you can sign up here. The GIP organization is recently formed, but the founders have years of experience. The webpage is under construction, but if you want to help make a difference, just fill out the form on the home page and let them know you want to help oust Kim Farah in the “How did you hear about us” section. This is a perfect example of why the GIP was created.
Below is a series of videos that tell the disturbing step by step story that led to Kate Bossi being arrested for not wearing a mask.
1. Parents & Grandparents trying to enter the School Board meeting without wearing masks.
2. Parent David Kiley warns police they are violating his rights.
3. Kate Bossi is being arrested by police for not wearing a mask
4. Police put on the cuffs and take this God-fearing Sunday School Teacher to jail. Disgusting.
5. Then School Board Chair Kim Farah shuts down the meeting and moves it online.
There is no place in our government for people like Kim Farah. Help the Government Integrity Project get Farah removed from the Danville Board of Selectman and the Timberlane School Board.
Send an email to the Plaistow Chief of Police and call the Town Hall to very respectfully ask them to use common sense in the future when addressing issues like this.
Email Plaistow Police Chief: Douglas P. Mullin
Call the Plaistow Town Hall: (603) 382-5200
H/T: David Kiley