When police violate our rights…

…do they become the enemy? In Medford, Oregon recently, police arrested a man and confiscated his weapon for firing a warning shot to stop violent felon (wanted by the law) who was breaking into his home. No one, including the criminal, was hit by a bullet. Read on….

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The Stalinist Idea Behind HB135 – The Effort to Repeal Stand Your Ground

I pulled this opening line from a very interesting article by Steven Hayward at Powerline because it reminds us where the lefts hatred for the right of self defense actually comes from, even if they themselves do not know it.

If memory serves, Irving Kristol once remarked that the term “peace,” as it was used by the left, “is a Stalinist concept,” since the intent of the so-called “peace movement” was the unilateral disarmament of the West and the triumph of Communism.

On the big stage Mr. Obama is doing a fine job of advancing that very-communist goal of undermining the US military from within but it occurred to me that the same ideological inheritance that encourages the Obama administration’s effort to put the US military into therapy is equally rich with a “peace movement” mentality which the average street-level apparatchik deploys (at the direction of their professional left-wing betters) against the second amendment.

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The Second Amendment in China. (WHAAT?)

This is about the third guy over on the right....
This is about the third guy over on the right….

This just in from the BBC. It happened days ago in Xinjiang province, China, where “officials described as community workers searched homes for weapons.”

What happened? It started when “three officials were killed as they were investigating reports of suspicious individuals at the home of a local resident.” And then…

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Senator Kelly Ayotte takes a good stand!

KellyAyotteSittingWe all know that the Democrat party is a wholly-owned subsidiary of our socialist-in-chief, Obama. I mean, this guy hates people having the means to defend themselves. That’s why the Democrats are in such a frenzy to ban guns. Here’s an example of what’s coming from the Democrat “community organizer” network (paid for, no doubt, by our tax money):

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“Republicans” who oppose our most basic right

…that is, the sacred and inalienable right to self-defense. There are only 3 Republicans in the U.S. Senate who voted against that right by supporting Obama’s just-defeated attempt to strip away a little more of the 2nd Amendment. I memorialize them here so we will remember…and so they can be defeated in their next reelection campaigns. Here they are, the three anti-2nd Amendment RINO’s:

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Good news out of Fayetteville, North Carolina!

It's called "the inalienable natural right to self-defense," you idiots.
It’s called “the inalienable natural right to self-defense,” you idiots.

Well, well, well: Once again an intended victim uses a GUN to save his life and that of his family. (Terrible, eh?)

This was a home-invasion by four criminal thugs. The homeowner killed two of them with a GUN. The other two are still on the loose as this is written.

You can read the whole story HERE.

Oh…and by the way…

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The new “bipartisan gun control” bill: Moving America toward the Yellow Line

Gun Appreciation Day - Concord
Rally in the Live Free or Die state: Concord, New Hampshire

We’ve been having a debate at GraniteGrok  about which of us supports a filibuster on the threatened new Senate “gun control” bill, and who thinks we should let’er rip…i.e. “Let’s have a public debate in Congress. Let’s see a vote! Let’s see who wants to impose de facto national gun registration. Count me among…

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Democrats and Racism

Democrats love to call people names. One of their favorites is shouting “racist” at any person or policy they disagree with. Yet one of the main goals for Democrats is racist at its core. You see…

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Chicago’s strong gun control laws…

Some of the strictest gun control laws in the U.S. in fact. So, this just in: EAST CHICAGO (CBS) — Home from Afghanistan for just five months, 25-year-old Indiana National Guardsman Willie Cook was gunned down while shielding his two-year-old son.

California leads the way again!

If you support further restrictions on keeping and carrying guns, you’re in for a treat. If you think gun control laws make you safe, developments in California will make you want to move there. If any of these proposed laws pass, you really will want to move. Read on….

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From the Democrats, a deafening silence…

Obama has just issued another Executive Order: Henceforth, unregistered firearms in America are to be referred to as “undocumented weapons.” What? What happened? Where’d all the anti-self-defense, “gun control” Democrats go?    

I. Want. This. Video. To. Go. Viral.

With this GG posting, I’m doing something different: Normally my posts go out to a list of like-minded libertarian and conservatives; it is part of a branching communication network which his helping to replace the former MSM information monopoly. But the video below is so important, and so well done, that non-conservatives and non-libertarians should all be invited to watch it. So kindly send this along to all your non-conservative friends and non-libertarian friends. It is extremely important. See:

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Legal open carrying of firearms by citizens…

…became the law in Oklahoma on November 1, 2012. World doesn’t end. (Note: Open carry has always been legal in New Hampshire; it is guaranteed by the New Hampshire State Constitution. You can read about that from 2nd Amendment hero Sam Cohen of Pro-Gun New Hampshire HERE.)

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