Guest post by Penny Dean, Esq. – HB135 “Stand your ground” must be defeated


If the proposed changes to RSA 627:4 in the form of HB 135 are adopted (i.e. the return to the previous version of the law-see below), the affirmative defense will no longer be available to those who are forced to defend themselves or others at places other than their home. Nothing good will come from this. Innocent New Hampshire citizens are currently being regularly, unfairly and unreasonably charged for defending themselves and will have a greatly lessened chance at being found not guilty due to inadequate jury instructions if HB 135 passes, and thus less justice, the price for HB 135….potentially years of their life in prison.

If the accused in a self defense case “wins” as in is acquitted at trial, the price many pay is their job (in many instances a cash only bail is ordered, and many people cannot afford $10k or $25k cash bail, so are kept in jail and are fired from work because they cannot go to work). Ask yourself if you were absent from work for a month or two *(or longer) because you were in jail awaiting trial, would your boss keep your job open? What about those of you who might work for less than firearm friendly corporations? What is the likelihood you would HAVE a job after the charges against you were announced? Citizens who are forced to defend themselves while at the grocery store, walking home, leaving work, or anywhere they might be currently are NOT given a “free pass” by the very weak New Hampshire “stand your ground” affirmative defense law, but rather, after they are charged criminally, and then they may be allowed to raise the defenses found in RSA 627:4.

Many people do not understand what an affirmative defense is.

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The Democrats’ Gun Control Racism

Star Parker: “Taking guns from the law-abiding many puts too much power in the hands of an ill-intentioned few.” Democrats seem to fear and hate the individual right to self-defense, always supporting so-called “gun control.” Historically, it was Democrats who imposed “gun control” in the post-Civil War South to disarm blacks in the face of Jim … Read more

Joe Biden: “If it only saves one life!” Five against two. Guess who had the equalizer?

Five big guys against two guys.  Normally, the five guys are going to take what they want.  It did turn into, temporarily, a five on one.  And then… (reformatted, emphasis mine):

FAIRBORN —  One man was killed and another shot in the leg when they, along with three others, allegedly participated in a home invasion Monday evening where the residents fought back.   Police said Tuesday that it is still a bit unclear what prompted the five individuals, ages 19 to 23, to force their way into the Victoria Avenue home while brandishing a fake plastic gun.   Fairborn Police Sgt. Paul Hicks said the only motive they’ve uncovered was that the subjects intended to rob the home.

 Two Wright State University students who live at 1006 Victoria Ave. were home when the intruders entered.

5 on 2.  not good odds.

Trent Seitz, 21, reportedly struggled with the men and was ordered to the floor. He called out for his roommate, Christopher Muse, who told police that he grabbed a gun and fired at the men.


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The Battle Of Athens…Tennesee

“The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy”  —Charles de Montesquieu [Art.] 10. [Right of Revolution.] Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of … Read more

Sheriff’s and the Second Amendment

“Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty.”  —Thomas Jefferson 

Quotes and musing from some of America’s Sheriff’s…

“My office will not comply with any federal action which violates the United States Constitution or the Kentucky Constitution which I swore to uphold. Let them pull that stuff in other places if they want, but not in Jackson County, Kentucky. Just a few of us have to be willing to stand up to political opposition putting our people at risk. The other side will back down.” Jackson County Kentucky Sheriff Denny Peyman

“Any federal regulation enacted by Congress or by executive order of the President offending the constitutional rights of my citizens shall not be enforced by me or by my deputies, nor will I permit the enforcement of any unconstitutional regulations or orders by federal officers within the borders of Crook County, Oregon.”Sheriff Paul Hensley, Crook County Oregon Sheriff

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“Gun Nuts” To The Rescue…

“These people protected me when I couldn’t protect myself..” —Kevin Dorsey, Houston Robbery Victim, rescued by armed citizens.

“I don’t believe in guns,” said Kevin Dorsey, who found himself suddenly the victim of an armed robbery in Houston’s Hermann Park neighborhood. “I don’t own a gun,” Dorsey added.  

But Kevin Dorsey was one of the few lucky people that a couple of, “Gun Nuts” happen to be driving by while he was being robbed. According to KPRC Houston, Police say the armed thug was canvassing a

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The Right Of Self-Defence In The UK

“Gun control extremists have at least two things in common with Islamic extremists. They have a willingness to die for their fundamental beliefs, and the sanctimony to demand that others die with them.”Dr. Mike Adams

Leicestershire, UK. In the early morning hours of Sunday, September 2, Andy and Tracey Ferrie were sleeping in their home when intruders forced their way in. While his wife Tracie called 999, (UK equivalent of 911) Andy Ferrie grabbed his legally-owned break-action shotgun and fired at two of the four home invaders.

The attack was thwarted although Ferrie had injured two of criminals. The four burglars, ranging in ages from 23, 27, 31, and 33, were later arrested at Leicester Royal Infirmary where the injured had been taken for treatment of their wounds.

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“Trained experts with guns.” I dissent.

There’s an email going around about a foiled mass-killing in San Antonio that occurred a few days after the Sandy Hook massacre. There’s something about it I don’t like….

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The Armed Citizen And Lying Gun Grabbers

”A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.”—George Washington

Tiresome are liberals lying and telling people that if they arm themselves, then the criminal is only going to take away the gun and use it on them. Those who perpetuate that, ignore what happens everyday in this nation. The events below are true events that involve real people. Law abiding people going about the business of their daily lives until the point where some criminal interrupts them, threatening harm.

These events are reported at local levels (mostly Newsprint media) and rarely visited beyond that because they

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“Negros With Guns”

Ann Coulter relaxing on back porch....

Ann Coulter, despite her recent foolishness in attacking Newt Gingrich, is nearly always, ahem, “on target.”

As with her recent column, “Negros with Guns,” which starts out like this:

Liberals have leapt on the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida to push for the repeal of “stand your ground” laws and to demand tighter gun control. (MSNBC’S Karen Finney blamed “the same people who stymied gun regulation at every point.”)

We don’t know the facts yet, but let’s assume the conclusion MSNBC is leaping to is accurate: George Zimmerman stalked a small black child and murdered him in cold blood, just because he was black. If that were true, every black person in America should get a gun and join the National Rifle Association…

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Crime victims: To shoot or not to shoot?

This from today’s Union Leader: “MANCHESTER — A 76-year-old Korean War veteran was mugged Monday morning in a city alley, losing his wallet to an assailant who ripped it, literally, from his pants.” With the article is a picture of the victim, Chuck Wiggin, with a bandage on the side of his head. But the old … Read more

Why America needs “a gun in every pocket”…

…and why the anti-Second Amendment and anti-self defense movements in places like New York, Chicago, and California (with their draconian anti-gun laws) need to get used to it.

How to react to a terrorist or other criminal when you have no gun.

A few days ago The Wall Street Journal published a column by Con Coughlin, entitled “Mohamed Merah and the New Breed of ‘Nike Terrorists’.” Mohamed Merah is the radical Islamist who murdered three French soldiers and four Jewish civilians in France last month. The article explained that Merah is part of a developing “new breed” of Islamic terrorists who will act alone or in small groups with “homemade bombs, knives and guns.”

Think it won’t happen?

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Furthermore, some people think that stopping a one-man crime spree is “criminal”….

This is from the commentary to today’s Union Leader article about crime-stopping hero Dennis Fleming…who was arrested and will be charged with  a “crime” by a clueless (elected) county attorney, Thomas Velardi.

First, a comment from a retired police officer, Graham Baynes, as follows:

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The Anti-Self Defense Cadre Strikes Again in Strafford County

“Some laws of state aimed at curbing crime are even more criminal.”  —Friedrich Engels

Joseph Hebert is a criminal. He has a considerable arrest record for everything from assault and drug possession to burglary. Clearly, he is a miscreant.  This Saturday Hebert’s personal illegal fortune-seeking ran aground. He was caught taking other people’s stuff without their permission. We, common folks call this, “Stealing.”

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Armed Citizen: 1, Criminals and Anti-gun Liberals “0”

“Gun bans disarm victims, putting them at the mercy of murderers or terrorists who think nothing of breaking the gun laws.” — Michael Bednarik

Yesterday at approximately 9:30 AM, an unknown person kicked in a locked door of an apartment residence in Merrimack As reported in the Union LeaderA forced entry. The female resident of that apartment, alone…was awoken by the intrusion. She consequently confronted the intruder, armed with a handgun. The intruder fled. The intruder fled.

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