…and why the anti-Second Amendment and anti-self defense movements in places like New York, Chicago, and California (with their draconian anti-gun laws) need to get used to it.

A few days ago The Wall Street Journal published a column by Con Coughlin, entitled “Mohamed Merah and the New Breed of ‘Nike Terrorists’.” Mohamed Merah is the radical Islamist who murdered three French soldiers and four Jewish civilians in France last month. The article explained that Merah is part of a developing “new breed” of Islamic terrorists who will act alone or in small groups with “homemade bombs, knives and guns.”
Think it won’t happen?
In 2004 Dutchman Theo Van Gogh was stabbed to death by a radical Islamist murderer. Last year a 21-year-old Islamist in England tried to murder Labour MP Stephen Timms using a kitchen knife. Great Britain—with a virtually totally disarmed public—is a great place for terrorists to execute their plans…and people. Why? Everyone’s disarmed and forbidden from self-defense by law! That’s why in America, mass-murderers typically attack in venues where people are also disarmed by law, especially in schools and universities (it can happen even on a military base in an area where the soldiers are unarmed, as in the Ft. Hood massacre, committed by a radical Islamist).
Thus, it’s time to change the equation. And it is changing. Thank goodness for the concealed carry movement. Thank goodness for the “sheepdog movement” among those who regularly carry firearms.
And thank goodness for Speaker Bill O’Brien and the Republican majority in the House of Representatives: After the foolish Democrat majority banned concealed carry of firearms in the State House in 2010, the first thing the new majority Republicans did when they took over in January 2011…was to repeal the Democrats’ anti-self defense, anti-gun rule.
One question remains in my mind: Why does anyone vote for Democrats in New Hampshire these days?