The Case for Toppling Iran’s Mullahs

Our world demands a radical shift in approach in the face of an unprecedented global challenge. We no longer have any choice. The threats looming over humanity are no longer confined to local issues, rendering traditional practices inadequate. Now, more than ever, we must unite and leverage our collective resources to combat the complex and debilitating challenges that cast a shadow over our planet.

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America IS Being Remade And Not In Our Founders’ Design

by Skip

Almost as soon as Obama uttered those fateful words “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America,” we have been undergoing a cultural and political revolution without a shot being fired.  And most of us never knew what was coming – or did.

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Iranian Flag Photo by sina drakhshani on Unsplash

Military Action Against Iran Is Counterproductive

There are those who are against sanctions for a variety of reasons. Some say that sanctions cannot be effectively enforced; others claim that sanctions have never worked in the past and won’t work in the future. These nay-sayers never come up with any practical and viable alternative.

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the warrant didnt sign itself

The Return of General Warrants

The warrant issued for the recent search — we’re not supposed to use the r-word — at Mar-a-Lago authorized agents to take ‘all physical documents and records constituting evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed’ that violate the U.S. Code.

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Blogline of the Day – Said NO Democrat/Progressive EVAH!

by Skip

What the Declaration of Independence Said and Meant: It officially adopted the American Theory of Government: First Come Rights; Then Comes Government to Secure These Rights. If A, then B. But the converse is not always true and we’ve found, over time, that almost all politicians can’t handle logic statements.  And in this case, not … Read more

Joe Biden front page NYT original Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash


In a few short years, the Democratic-Socialists in Venezuela reduced a gem of a nation, rich in resources, productivity, and wealth, into a socialist cesspool. America’s ‘Democrats’ are working hard to get it done here even faster.

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Political Ideology left right authoritarian libertarian

How Far Right Is Freedom?

The left-right paradigm is the traditional understanding of the political spectrum as it is taught in political science classrooms and practiced by the mainstream. This simplification makes it easy to draw comparisons between political stances so that a lay audience can understand conversationally.

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Sen Jeanne Shaheen

Revolution – To the Barricades!

My, oh my, who’d-a thought in these days of BLM and Antifa that NH’s own Jeanne Shaheen, thriving attorney Bill Shaheen’s famous spouse, would raise a fist, a la the disgraced former Winter Soldier John Kerry and his now infamous Ghengis Khan speech and his invocation of arms and legs and of heads held aloft, and she’d shout “Revolution!”

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Kyle Rittenhouse (on th eground) Screen grab video care of NYP

Not Guilty!

Well, after seeing the Kyle Rittenhouse trial on TV I feared leftist pressure would pervert our justice system. However, twelve people, good and true, pronounced him “not guilty” on all counts. Of course the Left is going nuts, many still sound like they spent their time watching Andy Griffin reruns and expecting a white man … Read more

Quick Takes – Hat Trick

Within I pick three topics upon which to discourse, but not worth a full-length examination as a standalone piece on their own.  But first, reprising an older cartoon (for shameless self-promotion!):

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