Unhappy Sun King Chris Sununu

BlogQuestion of the Day – So, Will NH Governor Chris Sununu Keep Ranting at Republicans?

Is Governor Sununu trying to make it difficult for Republicans to get elected? Is he purposely driving Independents and moderate Republicans toward the Democrat party by painting liberty-minded Republicans as extremists and terrorists?

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Ronald Reagan - here to help

Statists Really Do Believe That They Are the Golden Ones From Whom All Blessings Flow

Statists really do believe that they are the Golden Ones from whom all blessings flow (wonder how many will get THAT reference!). Bernie, AOC, and the other Democrat Socialists who believe that Govt does have such powers just can’t conceive of the terror that Reagan brought up with those words.

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Watch Profanity-Laced Rant That Gets Public School Teacher Put on Leave

If we’ve said it once, we have said it a thousand times (probably more). Let the lefty loons loose lips sink ships. Do not block or censor them. They are an endless source of amusement and content. And they can’t help themselves like this School Teacher who lost her mind at an intersection.

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Deb Stevens Facebook Page Unavailable

Nashua Dem Rep Deb Stevens’ Political Facebook Page is Suddenly “Not Available”

Nashua Democrats continue to demonstrate what a train wreck their representation has been. This month’s poster child is Rep Deb Stevens (and it’s only Jan. 10th). She lost her mind on Facebook (in late Dec.), claiming Trump voters are stockpiling guns and ammo and would shoot everyone if he lost in November.

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The DNC Mail Bag or is That The DNC D-Bag?

From the Desk of the DNC This weekend, the Koch Brothers are holding a secret gathering of billionaires to plot their strategy to buy the election. They plan to throw millions — if not billions — of Big Oil money into Super PACs to smear the President and Democrats across the country No offense but … Read more

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