This is from Robert Malaby, commenting on the post, “Is the Nackey Loeb School Ruing the Day It Gave Robert Azzi its First Amendment Award?” “What a repulsive piece from Mr. Azzi. Too many items to take issue with in a random internet comment, but two I feel compelled to address.”
Progressive Privilege
Promoted From the Comments – the Elitism Is Strong Within Her…..and Her Brother.
Democrat Jeanne Dietsch wants Government to choose for you. Denise Ricciardi, her Republican opponent in NH State Senate District 9, wants YOU to make choices for you and yours. Should be an easy pick but let me get on with the Comments.
The Perfect Trifecta for the Left: Progressive, Privilege, Projection
It’s always a talking point on the Left that, until ACB, any Republican is ALWAYS guilty of some sexual wrongdoing – and note that it is always the Democrats making the accusations. And that’s the game, isn’t it – ANY accusation by a Democrat HAS to be credible.
So about that “Defund the Police” Pledge – Try “Ill Conceived” Instead of “Falter”?
Many of us figured that the “Defund the Police” swooping fainting spell on the Left for “social justice” would collapse in on itself. All the rage against the rage.
Overt Racism is Making Inroads into New Hampshire Government
Sununu’s “Equity” CV Response Team wants CARES virus money to go to minorities. This is racist. It should go to those most economically affected. Per the team’s report: