The Perfect Trifecta for the Left: Progressive, Privilege, Projection - Granite Grok

The Perfect Trifecta for the Left: Progressive, Privilege, Projection

toobin sexual misconduct

It’s always a talking point on the Left that, until ACB, any Republican is ALWAYS guilty of some sexual wrongdoing – and note that it is always the Democrats making the accusations. And that’s the game, isn’t it – ANY accusation by a Democrat HAS to be credible.

And it is credible until it isn’t. Which is, pretty much all of the time. Because it’s just a political ploy. They keep accusing the Right of what they actually do. Over and over again.  It’s a constant with them. Until they end up doing what they say that the Right has been doing all the time. Credible?

Let’s do another trifecta, shall we? Wiener, Weinstein, and Toobin.  And another: Kennedy, Clinton, and Epstein.  This could go on for quite some time, couldn’t we.

The #MeToo trio. Except, there’s a lot more. Until those accused Democrats and [Il]liberals start to have real political power – and #MeToo died in bed and they get off with an excuse of some type.

…but the accusation will be resurrected full force the next time a Republican is accused of it.

Then we can start laughing again known it turned into nothing but a political ploy.

In the meantime, we can sit and savor the moral corruptness of the Left yet again.

(H/T: Powerline)
