New Hampshire Fisher Cats Team up with Abortion Facility

by Beth Scaer |

For the second year, the New Hampshire Fisher Cats have teamed up with the Equality Health Center for Pride Night. This is an unfortunate choice of organization for the Fisher Cats to support because, according to their website, the Equality Health Center performs abortions through 15.6 weeks of pregnancy, which is more than three weeks into the second trimester.

By that age, according to the Baby Center website, a baby can move all of her joints and limbs, taste buds are forming, and the baby’s sex may be determined during an ultrasound.

I emailed Art Solomon, CEO of the DSF Group, which owns the Fisher Cats, asking him to reconsider associating the good name of the Fisher Cats with ending of the lives of innocent humans. I told him that baseball is supposed to be wholesome entertainment, not an opportunity to promote death.

In his reply, he claimed that they are not giving the Equality Health Center any support they don’t provide other groups that partner with the Fisher Cats. This is disingenuous. The Fisher Cats features Equality Health Center prominently in social media promoting Pride Night. What other organizations have they similarly promoted? When they did the same last year, I alerted them to the problem. They expressed concern initially and then stopped communicating with me. We held a well attended pro-life rally outside the game.

fisher cats Pride protest 2018

We are rallying outside Fisher Cats’ Pride Night again this year. Join us on Friday, July 5 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm outside Northeast Delta Dental Stadium in Manchester to witness to the right to life. For more information, visit the event on Facebook.

Note: A previous version of this post incorrectly identified the location as Gill Stadium. That has been corrected.

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