NH State Rep Jason Osborne

NHGOP “Leader” Jason Osborne … I’m Helpless; Totally Helpless

Jason Osborne still does NOT understand why the NHGOP in particular … and the GOP generally … performed so abysmally in 2022. His thinking is STUCK in the 90s, or maybe the 80s or 70s. He believes that voters only think about the “top-of-the-ticket” and then fill in the same Party as their top-of-the-ticket choice … Read more

Marijuana pot weed smoke

NH State Senate Shelves Legal Weed ’till Next Session

New Hampshire’s effort to grow government off legal weed has stalled in the New Hampshire Senate. Senators want to study the bill some more because it lacks the House votes to survive a promised veto.

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Dog weed pet marijuana

Weed Nation – How about Legalizing Medical Marijuana for Pets?

The Weed lobby got big, fast. It has cash, influence, and momentum. So, why get off the dance floor now when you’ve just got your groove? People are buying and buying in so hey, what about pot for pets?

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Science “Unsettled” – Pot contributes to schizophrenia?

With large studies in peer-reviewed journals showing that marijuana increases the risk of psychosis and schizophrenia, the scientific literature around the drug is far more negative than it was 20 years ago. Comparing two major reports from the National Academy of Medicine, the nonprofit group that advises the federal government on health and medicine, makes … Read more


On the same idea that if you put Government in charge of a desert, we’d run out of sand

And in this case, sorta sideways, marijuana.  Congratulations, Government of California, you’ve single handedly lowered the demand for it (at least legally). I’m perfectly fine with this outcome for a number of reasons: As opposed to Libertarians who believe that what you put into your body is your business and not the Government’s, as the … Read more


Blogline of the Day – if you’ve got it, they’ll spend it

Government expenditures will expand to exceed revenues.

A story of pot when the taxes paid for pleasure end up enlarging Government.  Which, here in NH, has been the reason why the Democrats have pushed for a casino (or two).  Not for the sake of letting a corporation separate one’s money from one’s wallet – it has always been about Government demanding money from that corporation for…..well, Government doing nothing with respect to “value added”.

Same thing with pot but with MUCH higher margins – for Government for doing…..well, nothing again for “value added”. So now you know why the NH Democrat Party has instituted a plank calling for decriminalization of it (and as mentioned before, a two-fer: those buying pot legally under NH law will no longer be able to buy guns as pot is still Federally illegal). Smoke pot, no Second Amendment for you!

Background on it “will expand“:

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How About a 26% Tax on Marijuana Sales To Keep Prices “High”

Back in 2012 New Hampshire Governor-Elect Maggie Hassan said she was open to the idea of passing medical marijuana legislation. My first thought was, why? What did Democrats have to gain by putting their foot on the path toward what is typically considered a liberty issue? My answer was money and power.

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Blogline of the Day:

 If This Bill Passes, Possessing Pot in Texas Will Be Treated Less Harshly Than Distributing Straws in San Francisco. And this is what passes for public morality these days.  Seriously, straws are that evil? (H/T: Instapundit)

More Fatal Crashes on 4-20 after 4:20PM Study Shows

big cannabis marijuana plant detail

I could write about the Union-paid-for anti-gun rally at the NH statehouse today, or how they are protesting alongside the 420 pot rally folks who will also be there, but I decided to post this instead.

Researchers sought to learn whether there was any added risk of driving on April 20 – a recognized day of celebration in the United States among pot enthusiasts – when marijuana use is trumpeted and encouraged and legal sales are noticeably higher. And after examining 25 years of traffic crash data, what they found was a 12 percent increased risk of a fatal car crash taking place that day after 4:20 pm, the unofficial kickoff time of the drug’s holiday.

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On A Path To Less Government or More?

Mind if I smoke a doobie - medical marijuana in New Hampshire
Maggie Hassan says she’d consider supporting Medical Marijuana

Newsmax reports that New Hampshire’s new governor (gag!) Maggie Hassan is open to the idea of legalizing Marijuana.

Pro-pot advocates in New Hampshire are excited about the possibilities.

Medical marijuana, the gateway-drug -policy to broader decriminalization efforts, is generally considered to be an issue with bi-partisan support.  Supporters of legalization at any and every level have also long insisted that the cost to taxpayers of policing pot is excessive.   But when the new governor (gag!) says ‘yeah, we’ll seriously consider support for the right bill’ while some folks are getting ready to pass the big fat doobie, I’m asking myself….”If New Hampshire Democrats are really interested does legal pot in any form put us on a path to more government or less?

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