NH-Dem Operative Aaron Jacobs Calls For Further Violence Against Trump

“Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest”? Henry II did not directly call for the assassination of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Beckett … but the knights who thereafter assassinated Beckett knew what the King wanted. And today’s “Democrats” (Woke-Communists) like Aaron Jacobs are employing a variation of this technique. How do you … Read more

Trump Rising Up after being shot at rally

The Assassination-Attempt … Just Gross Incompetence Or Worse?

The more details that emerge regarding the assassination attempt on Trump, the more questions emerge. Was it just breathtaking, unbelievable incompetence? Did the Deep State intentionally leave Trump vulnerable? Or was it something even worse? The best synopsis I have seen to date (I am writing this on July 17th) is from Sean Davis:

David DePape - Image Source - everywhere

Pretending We’re the Same

In the wake of all the “you know what that went on, “you know where,” involving “you know who,” card-carrying members of the Order of Intellectual Misfits (digital street Dems) have been high-fiving each other over their clever comparisons to Gretchen Whitmer’s attempted abduction or Paul Pelosi getting attacked, as proof “MAGA” people don’t really … Read more

Jan 6 Select Committee CSPAN YouTube screenshot

Off they Go

Local media, such as the Daily Sun, continue to print letters and articles portraying Conservatives and groups like Proud Boys and Free Staters as enemies of Democracy. Maybe so, if we are talking about the “democracy” of BLM/Antifa, Marxist Progressives, and the like.

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Getting To Know Members of Antifa

Why we should get to know Antifa? We should get to know the individuals who operate political organizations. What they say is often what attracts us to their organization. What they do reflects their organization, the organizations that associate with them and the individuals who support them and act in concert with them. So let’s … Read more

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