Police car lights

Pre-Crime Laws and Predictive Policing

Adding the word hate to crime is a way for prosecutors to pile on charges in search of more significant fines and longer sentences. It is an injustice. Its other more critical function is to make people afraid to speak openly for fear of stumbling across the ever-moving hate speech trip wire, which is a … Read more

biden ice cream cone

Biden Blind to China Threat

One of the primary goals of the American President is to keep Americans safe. Safe from threats within the country and outside adversaries. With the rise in crime in every corner of America and the many ways China is assaulting us, President Joe Biden is not doing his job.

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USS Raleigh Burning NH State Flag

NH Special Interest Politics: The “Bipartisan” Politics Coming Out of Concord Is Bad for the State

Corporate Socialism is the state government’s entanglement with the private sector, in my view, its political agenda is destroying state sovereignty and character as we speak with the one-size-fits-all policies and statewide bureaucratic commissions, all courtesy of Governor Sununu and our “republican” majority.

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Kuster pappas 2

#Woke Irony Alert: “The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act” Mandates Racial and Sexual Profiling

If you’ve got Democrats infesting your ‘House’ seats, then they probably voted for “The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.” This legislation does some superficial things and some dangerous things, but the most ironic of them all is this.

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Police Using Drones to Keep Beaches Empty and to Identify Unmasked Residents in Public

Police in Australia deployed drones to enhance their COVID19 enforcement duties. Aerial surveillance will make sure the beaches, playgrounds, and skate parks are empty and that people in public parks are wearing masks.

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Flip Virginia BLue

Virginia’s new Community Policing Law is all ’bout Justice! or Something…

Virginia’s new Community Policing Law is all ’bout Justice! The gubmint wants to know about the abuse of force, so police officers in the Old Dominion will be required to document or guess the race, ethnicity, and gender of everyone they pull over. ‘Cuz Social Justice, dammit.

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Black Leaders in Minneapolis are Pissed off The City Council Wants to Defund the Police

Remember that time, at Virtue-Signalling Camp, when a bunch of #woke Minneapolis city councilors leaped at the chance to appease systemic Marxism? Defund the police, they said. Yes, said the city council. But then it turned out that the actual black leaders in the city opposed that idea. Say what?

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Steve on Life with Liz 6-24-2020 (2)

My First Co-Hosting Gig on WSMN 1590 – Our Guest has over 30-Years in Law enforcement

Today was the first of what could be many future co-hosting gigs on WSMN 1590. Liz Gabert, the host of ‘Life with Liz’ has invited me to co-host her show one day a month (the 4th Wednesday). She offered more but my schedule does not permit. And today was the first of these co-hosting gigs.

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Crime Scene tape

CHAZ is now CHOP and No Cops in CHOP Means Criminals can Do What they Will

The Capital Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP, formerly CHAZ)) have created a population of what one “resident” calls, sitting ducks. Any crime up to but not including “life-threatening” goes unpunished and uninvestigated.

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Homo Marxian Marxism Declared goals of communism

Albuquerque, New Mexico Embraces Declared Goal of Communism In America (#38)

One of the 45 goals of communism in America is to “transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].” Albuquerque, New Mexico just did that.

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The goal of socialism is communism

Two of the 45 Declared Goals of Communism in America Relate to Mobs and Local Policing

Once again, we can return to the work of Cleon Skousen’s Naked Communist for guidance on the day’s events. Skousen’s list had been prophetic, and the recent “unrest” is no different.

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On the Legalization of Drugs (Again). Dr. Dalrymple’s Advice, Don’t Do It!

Over on Facebook, there is yet another discussion about legalizing drugs versus policing or other costs. Whenever I find such debates, I always link to this excellent examination of that very debate by Theodore Dalrymple.

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