A Dirty Ex-Cop and a Mope

Power does not corrupt men; fools, however, if they get into a position of power, corrupt power.   George Bernard Shaw

Brendan_Bisbee_Dirty_Ex_Cop_Mope2Kristin Ruggiero engaged in a series of lies and falsehoods with the specific intent to destroy her estranged husband Jeffrey Ruggiero. For a time it seemed that Kristin was “teflon”…Nothing seemed earthly possible that would oppose her web of deceit. Kristin was smart…tech savvy…and convincing.  So compelling in fact, that she was able to curry multiple domestic violence and stalking protection orders in multiple states.

But the point finally came when the whole ruse unraveled. Kristin was caught. And in her web of deceit, she

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“Liars are always ready to take oaths.” —Vittorio Alfieri


Brendan Bisbee, love interest of the infamous shrew Kristin Ruggiero is presently on trial
answering to seven counts of Perjury where prosecutors allege he lied for Kristin during her trial. Also under indictment are Elizabeth “Kim” McDonald, Kristin’s mother, Daniel Ruggiero, Chief Petty Officer Jeffrey Ruggiero’s estranged brother and of course, Kristin has been re-indicted following her trial on twenty-one new counts consisting of witness tampering, four counts;  falsifying evidence, three counts;  Solicitation/Perjury, four counts;  Perjury, six counts and,  Unsworn Falsification, four counts. Shrew Kristin pal, Sharon Cohen who testified at trial, also faces legal exposure, but has yet to be indicted.

Aside from the obvious “Midas Touch: of sorts Kristin seems to possess, that is, those who get tangled up in Kristin’s web of manipulation would be well-served to have legal counsel retained. People who take up with Kristin inevitably face legal exposure.

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“Liars are always ready to take oaths.” —Vittorio Alfieri


On Wednesday, September 21, The New Hampshire Supreme Court heard from Kristin Ruggiero. Kristin seeks to overturn her convictions arguing that the court should have excluded a photo of her cell phone number, and an intercepted telephone conversation that served as the evidence that brought her to her current demise.

Kristin Ruggiero was sent to Jail in May of 2010, convicted of twelve counts consisting of lying and falsifying physical evidence. Kristin had tried to do what many before her have done and gotten away with: Using the court system to exact a personal vendetta against her ex-husband Jeffrey Ruggiero.

In oral arguments before the Court, Attorney Mark L. Sisti argued that the evidence used to convict Kristin should have been thrown out because it was disqualified under N.H. RSA 570-A:6 because in New Hampshire, her consent was not obtained by the parties in South Carolina to make the intercept.  New Hampshire commonly referred to as a, “two party” state, requires consent of all parties before any recording may be made, while South Carolina does not. Sisti concedes that, while no crime may have been committed by the recording because the interception took place in South Carolina, A New Hampshire resident still has the expectation of privacy under the statute, and the evidence should have been excluded. Sisti essentially argues for an absolute long-arm immunity without consideration to laws of extra-territorial consequence. (Listen to the arguments HERE).

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