
The Kung-Flu Weapon?

A little more than 20 years ago, Ken Alibek, a defector from the Soviet Union, exposed the extensive biological warfare activities of the USSR in his book, Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World – Told from Inside by the Man Who Ran It. The book is … Read more

About that Outsourcing…

“Nothing like being scolded by a hippie.”  —Sarah Dessen

President Barack Hussein Obama, the Outsourcer-in-Chief

Yet another campaign ad from Obummer accusing Mittens of outsourcing jobs., as well as the other pundits have weighed in on this issue, “yet they still fiddle.” Does Fisker Automotive  come to mind?

And what about outsourcing? What is the deal with outsourcing? Does anybody ever think about the concept beyond the fact that outsourcing is done for the pursuit of lower costs and cheaper labor? We certainly need to.

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Outsourcer in Chief

Hey, Obama Started it.  Let’s finish it for Him. Democrat Nancy Pelosi may have as much as 5 million dollars outsourced to offshore investments.  And there are other Obama insiders coming under scrutiny.  My guess is that we’ll find enough skeletons to knock this latest distraction off the table like all the previous ones, in … Read more

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