Are New Hampshire Democrats Guilty of Voter Suppression?

UNH CampusI was in Concord Yesterday. The car in front of me on Main Street, a Honda Fit, had a Clinton-Kaine bumper sticker and another from the ACLU that said something like ‘Let Them Vote.’

The ACLU and I get along swimmingly on issues of free speech but not so much on their false-flag, straw-man student voting rights agenda which, in New Hampshire, has a laser-focus on making excuses for letting non-residents steal local elections. A narrative that took a knee to the groin this past week with the State Supreme Court decision on House Bill 1264. 

As a public courtesy, I feel compelled to revisit this at least one more time, because the Liberals won’t stop kicking the dead horse of ‘student voting rights’ which, if considered in the proper context, may constitute vote suppression by New Hampshire Democrats.

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It’s Still Voter Fraud – Like It Or Not

Burning USS Raleigh on NH State FlagNew Hampshire has about 980,000 registered voters.

At least 5,300 of those voters:

  • Can’t legally register their dog in New Hampshire.
  • May not legally obtain a NH hunting license.
  • None of those “voters” are qualified to be called for jury duty in the Granite State.
  • Are paying out-of-state college tuition at NH State Colleges because they cannot legally sign the domicile statement on the NH Resident Tuition Form.

The same number used an out-of-state driver’s license as identification to help NH elect candidates.

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A Boost from Ed’s post: “So, Governor, You Want to Talk About the Constitutionality of HB 1264? Let’s Talk.”

by Skip

voted-by- mail vote absentee in your own stateI thought these comments get to the nub and heart of the problem – seemingly, Progressives can’t understand it at all.  I guess it’s the same bigotry of low expectations when they scream and holler that requiring “oppressed, minority, and underrepresented communities” can’t do the same things to get an ID like everyone else.  What is so dang hard about out of state tuition?

Liberal Conservative • 2 days ago
This is not complicated in any way. Here’s the test: do you pay out of state tuition? Yes. Then vote via absentee ballot from your state of residence because you can’t vote in NH. I just don’t understand what is so difficult about this.

Bryan W  Liberal Conservative • 6 hours ago
It’s not difficult. I know I’ve posted here before – when my daughters decided to become Utah residents so they could get in-state tuition there, the process there was simple, but could take up to a year: 1) Establish yourself at an address. 2) Get a Utah drivers license or non-drivers ID. 3) Register your car(s) in Utah if you have any. 4) Register to vote using that ID. 5) Pay in-state income tax or property tax (even if you don’t owe anything). You have to satisfy 3 out of 5 tests, then you can get in-state tuition. Gaining residency for voting purposes here should be no less stringent.

But Progressives say “that’s too HAAAaaarrdd” for college students to do.  After all, a WHOLE YEAR??  Oh wait – they’re here for four, right? So let me get this straight:

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You Want The Truth? You Can’t Handle The Truth!

Ballot-BoxComments are often a great source of amusement, and often suitable for follow up material.  In this instance, in response to my post about Legally stealing elections with out of state voters who just happen to be in New Hampshire, an anonymous commenter using the handle “Speak the Truth” suggested that we just let it go.

Move On. We have an enormous task in front of us – “we” have to EDUCATE the public with the TRUTH. “Dumb cannot be solved with Dumber”


Here is my response,  some “education” about why we can’t move on…

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