President Obama’s Failing Foreign Policy

Claims that President Obama’s foreign policy is successful can only be explained by pure partisanship or by criteria putting the interests of others ahead of those of our country and our citizens.

We credit President Obama for killing Osama and other al Qaeda leaders.  Obama outlawed enhanced interrogations that led to Osama.  The attack was delayed almost a year after Osama’s location was known.  Obama prepared to blame  someone else if the raid failed.  Obama’s quick crowing about Osama’s death destroyed the value of the intelligence that the raid gathered.  But, Osama is dead.  Congratulations. 

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The Sweet Stench Of Left Wing Hypocrisy

The Union Leader wastes no time, exposing Hawkins connection to money she received May 11th from America Votes (out of state left wing donation), which Granite State Progress then used to support the Democrat in the special election she is squawking about, specifically to elect that democrat, in that election.

Hope and Change (Rapture Edition)

Preacher moves rapture to October 21st?
At least he didn’t sign an executive order on the matter. That could have been really embarrassing.
Either way this guy could be president. How many recovery summers are we up to now?
It’ll happen. Any day now.

Obama Seal Team 6 Action Figure

No, I am not kidding. Doug Powers at Michelle brings us to the web site, where we find the Obama Seal Team 6 Action figure.

A Gun Runnning Message In a Bottle

ATF and Holder, and all the rest of the cranks, insist it was to track the guns to the bad guys. But given the way democrats feel about gun rights you have to wonder if they had other motives. “Finding” American guns in the hands of drug cartels plays right into their rhetoric.

The Missiles of Venezuela

missile.jpgOriginally reported last November by Germany’s Die Welt, but just recently resurrected by The Drudge Report from the Jerusalem Post, Iran–the Islamic regime that has been waging war on the United States since 1979–is building intermediate range missile launch pads in Venezuela.

Yes, the same Iran that prior to 2005 traded nothing with Hugo Chavez but which has since increased its trade with the socialist nut job to the tune of 40 billion.  There is good reason to speculate that this has or will include nuclear technology.  His goal being to expand control in the region by intimidating neighbors, I’m sorry–by offering mob style "protection" from the evil Americans.

So we’d have an America hating socialist nut job with intermediate range Iranian missiles and a working relationship with a country (Iran) that the current administration has suggested is going to get nuclear weapons anyway?  Venezuela is already suspected of having Hezbollah training camps in its jungles.  The Iranian Military is hanging with the Chavez.  This presents no risk?  Or maybe the economy isn’t the only thing Obama plans to screw up while in office?

Note to the White House.  Israel will not be bombing our problems away in Venezuela.  And I’m certain they have no expectation that we’ll back them up with anything other than wordy statements when they do what has to be done to survive. So don;t count on them to help you out here.

So the next question; can :Obama the bold, courageous, and decisive" actually be any of those things when it comes to the Missiles of Venezuela?  Can the guy who accepts books from the same dictator who is prepared to represent a significant risk to American interests in the hemisphere–including interests in America, step up and take them out before they are operational?  Or does the major troublemaker and regional king maker in Venezuela have a right to intermediate range weapons capable of carrying nuclear warheads, and the ongoing training and assistance of Iran’s Qods force?

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NH Senate Should BEG Our forgiveness on RGGI

Fools!God has a sense of humor.  Just days after Republican State Senators in New Hampshire bent over backwards to the green lobby (and refused to leave RGGI) a major green lobby advocate (George Monbiot) announced that none of their ideas work. (Ideas like cap and trade for example.)  Now, just days after that, a highly credentialed European scientist who was on the Anthropogenic Global Warming Government money "Gravy Train" has a message to those who continue to support CO2 mitigation of any kind, and in particular the failed variety like RGGI… those who still believe the planet is in danger from our carbon dioxide emissions: Sorry, but you’ve been had. Yes, carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming, but it’s so minor it’s not worth doing much about.

So who is David Evans?  Here’s his bio from the article.

David Evans consulted full-time for the Australian Greenhouse Office (now the Department of Climate Change) from 1999 to 2005, and part-time 2008 to 2010, modelling Australia’s carbon in plants, debris, mulch, soils, and forestry and agricultural products. He is a mathematician and engineer, with six university degrees, including a PhD from Stanford University in electrical engineering.

Is this speaking truth to power?

The whole idea that carbon dioxide is the main cause of the recent global warming is based on a guess that was proved false by empirical evidence during the 1990s. But the gravy train was too big, with too many jobs, industries, trading profits, political careers, and the possibility of world government and total control riding on the outcome. So rather than admit they were wrong, the governments, and their tame climate scientists, now outrageously maintain the fiction that carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant.

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A Funding “Solution” For Democrats Concerned about Budget Cuts

Remember all that stuff we didn’t have to have in the New Hampshire budget before 2006 when the democrats started piling it up into what has become our Billion dollar budget deficit? I don’t either. I’m not even sure what they spent it on which is why I am convinced I can do without it. All this caterwauling is clearly just cover for keeping the bloated bureaucracy alive so they can milk it for union campaign contributions.

Which Is Worse Or Is It Both?

It should come as no surprise to anyone that a guy (Mr. Obama) who sat in a church for years and years and insists he didn’t hear anything that he didn’t (presumably) want to hear, would be any different towards the American people?

PCOTD (Political Cartoon of The Day) 5-11-11

    Cartoonist: Mike Shelton   It seemed appropriate to take this in a slightly different direction.  So most of the future content posted as the Picture of the day will be more political in nature.  Introducing the PCOTD.  Political cartoon of the day. (With a side of commentary, optional.) Sharing is encouraged. "I think … Read more

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