Hillary Clinton Edited Out Of ‘Iconic’ Photo


(First a Note: This is not the picture in question. It’s better)

That’s the Yahoo! News headline. Hillary Edited Out of Iconic Photo.   Though I’m not particularly concerned about that.  I’m more interested in the media narrative about a staged photo.  The word iconic keeps popping up as an adjective to describe this "piece of…history." 

Well, Iconic is defined by dictionary dot com as…


1.  relating to, resembling, or having the character of an icon.

2.  (of memorial sculptures, esp those depicting athletes of ancient Greece) having a fixed conventional style.

OK. Not much to work with there. How about Icon then?

1. Also: ikon  a representation of Christ, the Virgin Mary, or a saint, esp one painted in oil on a wooden panel, depicted in a traditional Byzantine style and venerated in the Eastern Church
2. an image, picture, representation, etc
3. a person or thing regarded as a symbol of a belief, nation, community, or cultural movement
4. a person regarded as a sex symbol or as a symbol of the latest fashion trends
5. a pictorial representation of a facility available on a computer system, that enables the facility to be activated by means of a screen cursor rather than by a textual instruction

Which of these five do you think the media is shooting for?

Given the direction of public education, I think we will have to amalgamate these into a common perception.  Something that fits the modern, western, collective unconscious, or in this case the media narrative about the current administration.  Iconic implies a historical moment of great importance destined to define our nation and it’s leaders (so -depicted) for generations to come.  Think- Sputnik moment!

Well lets work with that.

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Follow The Big Blue Bread Crumbs

Democrats are hypocrites. Need more proof, just look to Obama care, and the billions it has handed out to big business, Big Union business in particular Yes, a union is a huge business, one that donates tens of millions to democrats.

Concord Monitor’s Editorial Shell Games

“For a moment, at least, a nation united” the headline informs in the Concord Monitor. The monitor editorial continues on reflecting on the losses born out of 9/11, on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq and how our lives have changed since, all of which is very stoic and reflective.  But leave it to those … Read more

Bin Laden is dead & Liberals Are Being…Hypocrites–Surprise!

Flip flop!They make it easy, and Bin Laden is no different.  Their hypocrisy emanates from them like the stench of stale sweat. So it is impossible to give them any credit because we all know that the only reason Osama’s death was made public late on a Monday night was because someone probably leaked it; this Executive branch does nothing without first plotting out the political ramifications and optimizing the benefits; it’s why it often takes them days to respond to any event.

So Osama is dead.  Go team.  But will we stay the course to get the rest fo them?  Probably not.  So what better time than now to remind ourselves about the hypocrisy; and we look no further than MoveOn.org (H/T to Ace of Spades) and the democrats who ran adds attacking Republicans for politicizing 9/11 and Bin Laden.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 12 /U.S. Newswire/ — A new TV ad attacks Republican attempts to use the fifth anniversary of 9/11 to resuscitate the President’s popularity and help Republicans hang on to control of Congress.

MoveOn.org Political Action’s thirty second spot is planned to begin airing nationwide on cable this week. The ad buy is $100,000.

The ad, "Exploiting 9/11," reminds Americans of the now discredited claims and promises made by the President and Republican leaders in Congress about the connection between 9/11 and Sadaam Hussein; the capture of Osama bin Laden; and making the country safer by invading Iraq

Who want’s to put money on the left buying ad time to use Bin Laden and 9/11 to "resuscitate the presidents popularity"–now that president is Obama? Will there be cries of outrage–yes, but only for those of us who dare point out the contradictions.

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