GrokDebates – yes, we want to do them. We ARE going to do them going forward

Over the years, GraniteGrok has made it part of our Citizen Journalism to cover debates.  One reason is that we like listening (and critiquing) who was there, what was said, and to determine their political philosophies with respect to the NH Constitution, US Constitution, and to date, the NH GOP. We did debates, and covered them in unique ways, that the mainstream press just couldn’t or wouldn’t.  Part of the later is either just a lack of time (on TV News) or space (newspaper “inches” or word counts.  We, on the other hand, have neither limitation.

We also covered debates that they didn’t – they (and often the NH GOP) are only interested in the top of the ticket races: Governor, US Congress, US Senate.  The other races?

Pound sand.  Well, no longer. I’ve been yakking about taking GraniteGrok to the “next” level – debates will be part of that.  While we will still cover other folks’ debates, we believe it is time to do our own.  And we shall.

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The Waste List

Courtesy of Twitter and the NRCC, we have a list of government spending defined as waste.  There is wasted regulatory spending, and then the plain old “why is the government paying for that” waste. Examples? Video game programs and studies.  Audit programs that cost more than they save. Sculpture gardens.  How about cash innovation awards … Read more

NRCC Steak Out 2012!

Brian Sussman

The Nashua Republican City Committee (NRCC) is at it again, with their annual “Steak Out” dinner/fundraiser planned for Saturday, August 25, 2012.

They’ve always managed to get some great keynotes, from the late Andrew Breitbart and James O’Keefe, to Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, to former Fox News anchor, E.D. Hill.

This year, they are hosting former meteorologist and science reporter, now conservative talk radio host and author, Brian Sussman.

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GrokTV Special Event – Howie Carr at the Nashua Republican “Growing the Grassroots” Dinner – The Videos Part 1

Woke up early this morning, so the easy decision was to toddle downstairs and start processing the video from last night’s Nashua Republican City Committee event labeled “Growing the Grassroots”.  Intro ceremonies here and after the jump are the videos of the reading of US Senator Kelly Ayotte’s letter to the NRCC, Congressman Charlie Bass‘s address to the crowd, Charlie’s opponent in the primary Dennis Lamare implored the crowd to vote for him, and Kevin Smith made his pitch to be the next NH GOP nominee for NH Governor (note: NH State Senator Bob Luther was a surrogate for Ovide Lamontagne, but the it seems that my original button press to restart the recording did not really “press” – apologies.  It can be seen in the replay of the live stream (to be posted later).

The video of the Keynote Speaker for the evening, WRKO talk host and Boston Globe Columnist Howie Carr, will be posted later on today.

Intro Ceremonies:

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GrokTV Special Event – Howie Carr at the Nashua Republican “Growing the Grassroots” Dinner – The Videos Part 2

The Keynote Speaker of last night’s event was WRKO talk show host and Boston Herald syndicated columnist, Howie Carr!

The live stream recordings of the interview before the start of the event are after the jump with interviews with RNC Committeewoman Phyllis Woods, fellow Grokster Mike, NH House of Representatives Deputy Speaker Pam Tucker, and an abbreviated (as the event formally started) interview with Kevin Smith who is running to be the NH GOP nominee for NH Governor.  Also fellow blogger and talk show host at WCRN (50,000 watts!) Pete Ingemi (“DaTechGuy”) joins us at our micro “bloggers row” – we will be joining him in studio in a couple of weeks to discuss our ongoing Right To Know requests concerning the Internet escapades at the State of NH

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Obama “Talks” about Spending

Courtesy of Hot Air and the NRCC the Golfer in Chief (Fore!) demonstrates once more how to vote present on deficit spending, even from the oval office, in a montage of his own words on the subject.

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