GrokTV – Nashua Republican City Committee 2021 Annual Steak Out – Part 1

by Skip

This past Friday was the NRCC’s Annual event.  This year’s Keynote Speaker was US Congressman Matt Gaetz. However, first things first, let’s get through the Intro Ceremonies third – first up is Corey Lewandowski giving the introduction, via phone, of Matt Gaetz:


And here is Part 1 of his address to the attendees:


Matt Gaetz, a member of the 117th Congress, is currently serving his third term in the US House of Representatives. He is a member of the House Armed Services Committee and the House Judiciary Committee. His work in Congress focuses on national security, veterans’ affairs, and adherence to Constitutional Principles.

From Florida to D.C., Rep. Gaetz has lived up to this reputation as an outspoken conservative firebrand. He has been a prominent voice for uncovering corruption with the Depart of Justice and the FBI during his tenure in the US House, as well as fighting to advance former President Trump’s America First agenda for the Unites States.

OK, the Intro Ceremonies:



Next was the Elphy Award to Karen Thoman for her dedicated service to the Nashua Republicans:





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