Those that are full of themselves

“Once it Became Clear that COVID was Not in fact a Pagan god…”

Finally, the truth wins out.  All of a sudden, a lot about COVID that has been thrown in our faces is, well, cracking like the icicles hanging from my roof.

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When the Leave Us Alone get involved

They Were Warned: Just Leave Us Alone. They Couldn’t.

From a commenter at American Greatness: “No matter what you do, no matter what you try, do you really think these people will leave you alone?

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Medical mask woman

The New Identity Politics – Mask Shaming

Identity politics creates victim groups. The more groups to which you belong, the more oppression exists against which you must fight to succeed. The process is both self-destructive and socially damaging as “victims” fight with each other for dominance on this socially engineered totem. 

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Blogline of the Day – Cravenness much?

“The best argument in favor of Trump’s presidency is what Trump’s presidency has taught us about the character of the people who oppose him, and who would be wielding power if he weren’t.” We’re seeing who they are and what they are on the national stage right now.  We’re also seeing it closer to home … Read more

Alleged Assault by NH Rep Debra Altschiller on Susan Olsen – Part 5

“I don’t know who said it ‘If they treat us this way knowing we are armed to the teeth, think of how they will treat us when we are not”. That was the quote by Susan Olsen at the end of Part 4.  Here in Part 5, we hear more of the story including this … Read more

Trump smiling

Blogline of the Day -“washed up and pathetic”

 “Listening to Trump’s pitch, I felt it was so upbeat, so admiring and praising of people who usually hear that they’re washed up and pathetic.” And the Democrats are openly derisive of us, too.  While Obama (“bitter clingers”) and Hillary (“deplorables, irredeemables”) openly called we who oppose them  politically and culturally, many don’t SAY it … Read more

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