They Were Warned: Just Leave Us Alone. They Couldn’t.


From a commenter at American Greatness: “No matter what you do, no matter what you try, do you really think these people will leave you alone?

A major part of the draw of American leftism is the false sense of moral and intellectual superiority it confers to its devotees. But what good is that if you don’t have a captive audience of people into whose faces you can rub your superiority? If you can’t reach them, then how can you lord over them? Tell them how to live? What to eat? When they can leave their homes? Whether they’re permitted to worship? How can you censor them, take away their right to self defense, and punish them?

How can you keep humiliating them and mocking them with sham elections that serve to reinforce their helplessness before your power?
We lost the culture wars because every time we gave in to what the leftists demanded and asked, “Now will you leave us alone?” they attacked another institution.

They will never leave you alone.

So you might as well fight them where you are. This is our country. Our Constitution, our Republic. Not theirs. Why cede it to them?



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