The New Identity Politics - Mask Shaming - Granite Grok

The New Identity Politics – Mask Shaming

Medical mask woman

Identity politics creates victim groups. The more groups to which you belong, the more oppression exists against which you must fight to succeed. The process is both self-destructive and socially damaging as “victims” fight with each other for dominance on this socially engineered totem. 

Related:  New Jersey has an “Office” of Rumor Control and Disinformation…

The majority of what passes for identity politics is virtue-signaling—espousing platitudes to the totem in pursuit of moral superiority chits. These are “points” you can expend to up your identity Politic Cred.  The same way Al Gore pays someone else to plant trees to excuse the massive carbon footprint of his lavish lifestyle. A cultural fraud complete with sacrifices to the government’s secular gods.

The rest of it is just more progressive class warfare under a different banner. Divide and conquer. If none of us can get along, then someone has to herd us forward. Guess who that might be? The same people telling us who is essential and who is not.

Star Bellied SneechesSneeches

Those stars weren’t so big. They were really so small.
You might think such a thing wouldn’t matter at all.
But, because they had stars, all the Star-Belly Sneetches
Would brag, “We’re the best kind of Sneetch on the beaches.
With their snoots in the air, they would sniff and they’d snort
“We’ll have nothing to do with the Plain-Belly sort!”

Dr. Suess used The Sneeches to explain how similar we all are regardless of affectations of body or mind. Identity Politics is its inverse. And this cultural pollution extends to almost everything these days, including masks, face, medical, or otherwise.

The scary Dem-panic pandemic has made a choice argument into a political football that is more like a greased pig. The slippery subject has folks wondering who to believe about their use (masks) and usefulness. While this might typically be a matter of choice based on your risk factors, thanks to identity politics, everything is drawn in redlines.

If you have spent any time in the stores that have been arbitrarily labeled by politicians as essential, you’ll have noticed folks with masks and without. I’m in the latter camp if it matters, and I could care less if you choose to wear one. There are plenty of my masked counterparts who feel the same way about those who do not wear a mask. But that is not true of everyone. Each trip to a Wal-Mart or grocery store results in several (maybe I mean many) looks.

He’s not wearing a mask. CDC Sharia Law Says he should be should not be should be wearing a mask.

The eyes tell you much, and while not all of them are looks of disdain or superiority (or that quick “get the children away from him” posture), there are a few. You can tell they are offended or feel superior. It matters little to me which is what.

I give them a big smile and say hi, and go about my business. 

They might be smiling back or scowling, sneering, “sneeching” even, or just mumbling about this or that and how their choice is superior to my own.

I beg to differ.

And they are free to disagree as long as I am free to disagree. 

Wear your mask if it makes you feel safer. Just don’t tell me I have to wear one or else. Because the only “or else” that matters is your immunity to being herded into a long-term centrally planned economy, which, historically, leads to Socialism. And Socialism has a much lower quality of life and a higher mortality rate than COVID-19 ever could.
