This is not political…but it’s eerie as hell….

When Skip Murphy dragooned me to blog with GraniteGrok, I said “Okay, whatever…but what do you want me to write about?” He said “Whatever interests you.” Okay, that’s mostly politics, especially in New Hampshire…but every once in a while….

Something comes up. Like this. The picture on the left. The human heart. That is, something that may be on the verge of being obselete, and in the process the  human species may end the necessity of having…any heartbeat.

I know. Science fiction, right? But an article that just appeared in surely blew my mind. Here’s the deal….

In late 2003 Dr. Bud Frazier—a famous heart doctor at Texas Heart Institute implanted a newly approved…uh…”turbine pump” in the chest of a young man from Central America. It was designed to assist his diseased heart, not replace it. He was told to come back to the hospital for “frequent checkups,” but neither he nor his family was fully conversant in English, so “the young man walked out of the hospital and disappeared. When he finally showed up eight months later…

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Bad News For Jets fans…

I guess sports medicine has come a long way. This guy busted his tibia. Of course it never penetrated the skin. That’s encouraging. Seeing bones sticking out of flesh is reserved for serious injuries and great television shows like The Walking Dead.

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