Paula Minnehan NH Hospital Association LinkedIn profile

Our State’s Medical System Needs a Freedom Reset

It is said in great wisdom that “pride comes before a fall.”

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Scottdale AZ School District - School Board

Scottsdale Parents Announce Intent to File Million-Dollar Claims Against the Bonds of School Board Members

Making claims on the bonds of public officials might not be the ticket we think it is, but here’s another example of it being applied with extreme prejudice and hopefully to significant effect.

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Promoted from the Comments: Medicine Used to Be for Helping People Live – Not Die

We are still looking for legal help to get our ‘Grok friend, John Irish, moved from Lowell General Hospital in MA to Mass General. The former seems to have gotten stuck “on protocols” that sound like Einstein’s admonition of what is insanity.

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Covid and Aspirin: A “Convenient” Shift in Recommendations

Here, we juxtapose:

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Ted Cruz US Senate Screen Grab The video

Epic Ted Cruz Rant: Speaker Pelosi is Drunk on Power…

Grab a cup of coffee or whatever your AM “poison” is and check this out. Ted Cruz goes off on Nancy Pelosi and her handling of the House of Representatives. Then he goes after Fauci and the CDC.

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The Politicization of Public Health Has Reduced it to Unbelievability

Nearly a year ago, we posited a question. What if COVID is in 2020 What Climate Change was in 1980? Would institutions once tasked with searching for truth discover how much more convenient and lucrative it is to “find” whatever gets you funded?

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Doctor, hands, gloves, medical gloves

Politicized Doctors Office Just Lost This “Patient”

My daughter had a doctor’s appointment today. we go to the hospital in [redacted] (La La Land). Every single doctor and member of the staff was wearing a rainbow mask on their face.

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Truth Lies

Left-Wing Lies That Cost People Their Lives

The media and politicians have lied a lot in years past. These prevarications set a historic pace since 2016, with 2020 breaking records. Not little white (supremacist?) lies. Not even just gross exaggerations. These lies cost people their lives.

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Cancer cell with killer scaffolding structures

Well, as Glenn Reynolds says, this IS the 21st Century? Novel way to kill cancer cells

Actually, a way to have the cells kill themselves, sorta, sideways. By taking advantage of the changes in the environment inside ONLY cancer cells, a new mechanism hits the “Big Death Button”. Every cells has a mechanism by which it kills itself off – but this is certainly new in how scientists are turning it … Read more

Covid 19 Coronavirus SARS Cov2

Yes, Our (Non-Fearmongering) Medical Experts are As Good or Better Than Theirs

In the battle of experts, the left, whose experts are selling a political solution disguised as a medical lockdown pandemic, have a considerable advantage. The majority of the media, social and other, is aligned with their liberty-limiting, economy wrecking program. But they are not the only experts.

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Dr Judy Mikovits

Plandemic Movie – Excerpt Three: How the Government Destroyed Science

According to Dr. Judy Mikovits, the Bayh-Dole Act, from the early 1980s, destroyed science and medicine in America. It allowed government workers, spending taxpayer dollars, to file patents on research that could personally enrich them. 

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This is not political…but it’s eerie as hell….

When Skip Murphy dragooned me to blog with GraniteGrok, I said “Okay, whatever…but what do you want me to write about?” He said “Whatever interests you.” Okay, that’s mostly politics, especially in New Hampshire…but every once in a while….

Something comes up. Like this. The picture on the left. The human heart. That is, something that may be on the verge of being obselete, and in the process the  human species may end the necessity of having…any heartbeat.

I know. Science fiction, right? But an article that just appeared in surely blew my mind. Here’s the deal….

In late 2003 Dr. Bud Frazier—a famous heart doctor at Texas Heart Institute implanted a newly approved…uh…”turbine pump” in the chest of a young man from Central America. It was designed to assist his diseased heart, not replace it. He was told to come back to the hospital for “frequent checkups,” but neither he nor his family was fully conversant in English, so “the young man walked out of the hospital and disappeared. When he finally showed up eight months later…

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Bad News For Jets fans…

I guess sports medicine has come a long way. This guy busted his tibia. Of course it never penetrated the skin. That’s encouraging. Seeing bones sticking out of flesh is reserved for serious injuries and great television shows like The Walking Dead.

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