What’s Greene Shaheen Up To?

corn snake
corn snake

Senator Shaheen has signed onto a letter to Senate Majority leader Reid and Minority leader McConnell, suggesting that the corn based ethanol mandates, and all the tariffs and protections associated with it, not be extended.  Your initial reaction might be surprise, but this is not in and of itself surprising.  Shaheen is on the record being against them since at least 2008 when she ran for the US Senate but not because she is against ethanol.  Her problem is the kind of ethanol, and so we can assume her co-signers have similar issues.

On the surface they are claiming to be against the law (the mandate) that props up ethanol on three fronts and also gives 31 billion dollars to the oil companies to offset the cost of forcing them to add ethanol to fossil based motor fuels.  I’m against corporate welfare so I can’t object to repeal even with ulterior motives, but this starts off as a calculated, backhanded poke in the eye, not just to the stupidity of the subsidy regime that liberals normally love, but to big oil.  And we should expect oil to get screwed. We should simply accept that even with repeal of the ethanol mandate, we could still see the government use other means of legislative or bureaucratic force to keep ethanol in the fuel supply and pass those costs off to the oil companies.  If they can screw oil and get what they really want along the way, that’s a dream come true to Progressives.  But what do these signers really want?

As usual, nothing in Washington is quite what it seems.

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Landmark Ruling?

It is never a good idea to expect any kind of consistency in the application of rulings by your State Supreme Court but in this case they did and I have to wonder what the broader applications could be? 

The New Hampshire State Supreme Court dismissed a lawsuit in which a golfer sued a golf course because he got hit in the eye by his own shot (off a yard marker).

Dan Tuohy, correspondent for the Union Leader reports today that Paul F. Sanchez does not have a case against Candia Woods Golf Course, which is mundane until you read the language used by the court to explain its dismissal.

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A Real Separation Of Powers

Separation of powers is something of a throw-away phrase for the Socialist-Democrat-Progressives.  They hand it out like a comfort object to the public, a sort of well-worn teddy bear for the masses.  It is meant to remind you that no matter what they do (or did) that bear will be there to help you feel better.

So what if it is a highly regulated bear, made by dues paying  union workers, stuffed with warning labels, wearing a little red hat with a hammer and sickle on it, and maybe even an Obama T-shirt for good measure.

Separation of powers is also this idea where the three branches are divided to ensure that the tyrannical might of the federal government is divided to protect the rights of the people.  This used to work, right up until someone wrote the seventeenth amendment, and then politicized the national court system.  At that point we no longer had separation of powers just the separation of parties, except where the two parties agree; in which case we are looking at an Oligarchy by direct democracy, which is one of the shortest paths by which little Red Totalitarian-Riding hood arrives at Comrade Grandma’s house.

Why do you think both parties appear to be moving to opposite extreme’s?  Why are states rebelling against the federal government?  Because the system was broken on purpose, by progressives, who need direct democracy so that fear and intimidation can drive the polity to allow top down federal rule as the only viable solution.

So our central planning friends view separation of powers to mean separating you from their power, so they can go about the business of managing your lives, and no one has worked harder or longer to excise the power from the people than democrats, though the ruling class Neo-Cons have done plenty to help fill the picnic basket for grandma.

But there is a solution to this problem, one that can relieve the pressure of special interests, the boys club mentality, and the lack of responsiveness by the federal legislature to the state and the people.

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Nothing Fair About It

Every now and people who appear rational find themselves repeating nonsense, usually in the Nashua Telegraph which is one of New Hampshire leading sources for editorial nonsense.  This time around it’s a guest commentary from Robert Collinsworth, who has an internet footprint large enough to identify him as an otherwise sensible guy.  So why has he taken to the editorial pages to sell the left wing meme that there is a gender/wage gap?

I only bring it up because his reasoning is right out of the liberal weenie play book.  Women only make 0.78/$1.00 compared to men.  He then asks why Republicans in the US senate are blocking the liberal legislation being sold as a fix, as if we can and should trust this unexplored talking point.

Rather than try explore any one persons motivations or sanity, we should probably just look deeper into the issue, and a Bill that looks like it creates more problems than it solves.  (Links and resources on the jump.) 

Like most liberal shibboleths Paycheck Fairness is based on incomplete analysis to pander to a bloc of voters the democrats have identified as worthy of their endless grievance mongering.  To repeat their talking points is, as far as I can tell, not worthy of Mr. Collinsworth or anyone else.

This is not an issue that can be evaluated strictly on the price paid for an hour of labor averaged across the full spectrum of work and wages.  To do so ignores every other factor in life, the free market, and the real danger that the legislative solution being proposed creates.

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[Updated] Why You Should Contact Senator Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell[ UPDATED Senator McConnell has officially come out against earmarks:“Today, I am announcing that I will join the Republican leadership in the House in support of a moratorium on earmarks in the 112th Congress,” he said].

NYT Link Here

Original post

Senator Mitch McConnell (R- KY) is said to be working to undermine an effort at banning earmarks in the US Senate.  This is not surprising.  Senators, as a rule, abuse the privilege more.  And while appropriations of this nature amount to a fraction of the total budget, it is an impressive fraction that rarely serves the interests of anyone more than the Seantor themselves.

Was it Carol Shea-Porter, 2012 congressional candidate in waiting who said that earmarks are necessary so that the state can get back it’s fair share of the federal taxes it’s residents pay?  Or was that Hodes?  Does it matter? Sure, congressman abuse them as well, even those who swear they have sworn them off.

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Progressive Trade Rules

Being beholden to unions causes you to say and do stupid things.  Take Carol Shea-Porter for example.  She was against a trade deal with Panama because she claimed it would cost American jobs, when it would actually open up trade from us to them–they already had unfettered access; result?–it would have created American jobs. Provisions … Read more

Public Service Is About Trust

I’d just assume have a root canal without pain killer as suffer through an editorial by Carol Shea-Porter, but sometimes you have to take one for the team. So I have immersed myself in the last rights editorial of the soon to be former congresswoman from New Hampshire’s first district, which is ironically titled, ‘Public Service is about trust.’


Before I proceed let me offer up a comment on Carol’s notion of trust.  In traditional progressive fashion the meaning of trust has had to have been tortured before admitting under duress and threat of death to its friends and family members, that Carol’s application of it’s meaning holds any relevance at all to the historical application.  In fact Carol’s willingness to even use the word in this context, nay–any context at all–in reference to what she refers to as her public service, is a public disservice to the word, the language, the people of the first district, and serves to cement the likelihood that she is the disconnected, ruling class political shill we suspect her to be, if not also clinically insane.

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Destroying The Future Of America

Image Credit: Mattox Firearms school.comDemocrats continue to insist that they created jobs.  To do this they extracted trillions from our economic future in an effort to create jobs that did not yet exist–that perhaps were  not needed yet.  Looking at similar exercises, cash for clunkers–which moved car sales forward a few months but has since resulted in a collapse in the market; the home mortgage bail outs, supports, credits, and the "home affordable" programs which improved home sales briefly but which have since collapsed (also to historic lows); and then there’s the stimulus, several public sector employee bailouts, bank lending infusions, small business bills, and everything in between including health care reform–many trillions spent, all made with claims that they would create, save, or incentivize job creation.

Lets concede the possibility that some jobs were saved or created with money from the future.  Let’s also, for academic purposes,  concede the number of 1.4 million-3.3 million jobs saved or created ( quote from Paul Hodes campaign if that matters).  What happens now?  Even if we can agree to these figures the mathematical reality is that despite these efforts, and at great expense, we still lost more jobs than we saved or created.  Millions are still unemployed with hundreds of thousands more people working less, working shorter hours, or who have given up looking altogether just in the 12 months since someone declared the recession over.  We got a net sum loss with the price of admission, and that debt is now looming over our ability to sustain or improve the job picture moving forward because of the Faustian fiscal political calculation the democrats made in what now appears to be a series of vote getting scams gone horribly wrong.

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The Congresswoman From EMILY’s List

I guess when Carol Shea-Porter took office she swore to defend her special interest donors before the constitution and the people. That’s how she’s legislated. That’s how she’s voted. That’s who she is.

The Socialist

H/T benhoweblog

Komrad Karol SEIU-Porter-Constitutional Threat

Carol SEIU-Porter seems to think we need government.  That the Tea Party and others do not want any government.  That there is no role for government.  And while there is a minority of people within the various facets of the movement who might agree, most of us do not because anarchy leads to oligarchy and totalitarianism.  That’s just how people are wired.

So what’s Carol’s real problem?  She has several but lets focus on the fact that based on the context of yesterdays’ CD-1 debate she has more or less admitted to being one of Jonah Goldberg’s aptly defined ‘smiley-faced’ fascists.

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Hodespocrisy Flashback- Why I Call Him Paul “Sugar Daddy” Hodes

Photo Credit 'TopNews.in'A few months back I discovered that Paul Hodes had received a one time $10,000.00 donation from American Crystal Sugar (A major US Sugar conglomerate), at about the same time as the 288 billion dollar 2007/2008 Farm bill was being pushed through congress, and vetoes overrode.  US Sugar is a protected industry with a good amount of political influence.  American Crystal Sugar wanted to get into the ethanol industry but could not justify the up front costs.  Hodes and the farm billed solved that problem with your money. 

Here’s the original piece I wrote on the relationship.




Paul Hodes has a dirty little secret.  His ‘commitment’ to green energy has strings attached that lead directly to the sugar industry and a significant campaign cash “Thank You.” 

Back in 2007 and 2008 Congress waged an epic battle over the Farm Bill.  They didn’t call it the farm bill they called it the Food Nutrition and Bio-Energy Act.  What it was (or became) was a 288 billion dollar sop to the agriculture industry with a focus on approving billions into ethanol subsidies for the farm belt before the 2008 elections. 

To muddy up the real purpose the democrat majority in congress tossed in money for food stamps and school lunches so that any effort to kill it could be spun as evil Republicans starving the poor and denying underprivileged students a hot nutritious lunch.   When some republicans balked, the left jumped.  And when George Bush, who was still friendly to the idea of ethanol mandates, vetoed both the bill (HR 2419) and the supplement that added in some items left out of the original (HR 6124) the democrat majority House overturned both vetoes. (Both henceforth to be referred to simply as the “farm bill”) 

So Paul Hodes not only voted for the hand outs, he voted for them four times: twice to pass the original bills and twice to overturn the vetoes. Does that show commitment?  I think it does.

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Hey, Did He Learn This From Carol Seiu-Porter? Runaway!

Keeping with the promise of Obama and the congress for openness and transparency, Human Events (HE) brings us Donald Berwick.  Berwick is Mr. Obama’s recess appointment to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and according to Jason Mattera at HE he’s been less than accessible, refusing interviews and avoiding public comment in the three months since his ascension to the office, despite claims that he would address concerns that would have derailed any effort to get him there through the usual Senate confirmation process.

Derailed indeed.

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Will You Kneel Before The Government?

Kneel Before Zod!I was watching the online web cast of Hillsdale College’s commemoration of the Kirby Center (on Constitution Day) in Washington DC, and Dr. Charles Kessler of Claremont McKenna College.  Dr. Kessler is a constitutional scholar and early on in his speech he makes the following observation about the current clash between the government and the people, and the rise of the Tea Party

‘Either the government will have to kneel to the people….or the people will have to kneel to the government.’

We should think about that because Dr. Kessler is correct.



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Housing Bubble Comes Home To Roost

I’m not sure why there is still any debate about who is responsible for the housing bubble and the ensuing crisis–which includes the recession that followed and the stagnation we are in now.  The Democrats new bill of rights, going all the way back to FDR, includes the right to own a home.  Since that … Read more

Medical Marijuana

The Government Can!

(H/T Biggeekdaddy) (H/T to one of my facebook friends for the link–I lost you in the feed.)

Where You Gonna Run?

Tidy Bowl Man get's his Union Bail outSeparation of powers was meant to divide the authority so that a process of checks and balances was created to protect the people from abuses of power.  This simple reality makes two things the democrats want you to believe impossible.


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Under Norelli’s Rule

Guh!?Yesterday Terie Norelli celebrated my Birthday by taking to the pages of the Keene Sentinel to talk about what a great job the New Hampshire democrat party has been doing with the state.  One of the things she’d like you to believe is that they have created (or saved?) a job friendly environment that has allowed the Granite State to recover more quickly than other states.  But is that really true, and do democrats have anything at all to do with it?

It is a matter of fact that under the left New Hampshire has grown the size of state government and its regulatory nature.  They have increased taxes and fees.  While Ms. Norelli opines all the additional regulations they have added to inspire growth in the job market—and thus the economy—this is like someone handing you a tiny cup of water to put out a raging fire they started and then expecting you to thank them.

About the only thing they can claim is having inherited an ages old State formula that used to create jobs and growth.  One they have tinkered with to the point of destruction.  And things are not–as Norelli would like you to believe– heading in the right direction.

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Stark Differences

  (H/T Moe Lane RedState)

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