Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot

Breaking: Lori Lightfoot Loses – Concedes Chicago Mayoral Election Loss

Not long from now, Chicagoans won’t have Mayor Lori Lightfoot to kick around. Our own Ray Cardello predicted it yesterday, and before the night ended, he was proved right. Lightfoot didn’t get enough votes to advance to the runoff election in April.

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Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot

Say Goodbye to Lori Lightfoot

The good people of Chicago are going to the voting places on Tuesday to take back their city and return it to a safe town for their families to live in. Mayor Lori Lightfoot is currently polling a distant third place and is projected to lose her re-election bid, as she should. 

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crime-scene body outline murder dead

Mayor Lightfoot Saves Illegals From Chicago Gun Violence By Shipping Them off to the Suburbs

Democrat Mayor Lori “no white reporters” Lightfoot has done at least a few dozen illegal aliens a service. I know; she said she would welcome them to Chigaco after they were bussed there by “a man without any morals, humanity or shame,” but she then stuck them on another bus.

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Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Does her Cranky Statue of Liberty Impression

Lori Lightfoot, the mayor of Chicago, is the latest leftist to find herself faced with busloads of illegal immigrants from the US Southern border. Texas Governor Greg Abbott is sending them there, and she’s sending a mixed message in response.

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crime-scene body outline murder dead

The Leaders of Chicago Are Disgusting Human Beings

In 2021, in the city of Chicago, there were 792 shooting homicides and 3,561 shooting victims. By far, the deadliest year for homicides in Chicago’s history. You would think this would infuriate the Mayor and the District Attorney. You would be wrong.

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Ashleigh CRT instructor

Critical Race Theory Is Designed to Divide Us: No More E Pluribus Unum – Stack of Stuff Part 14

As always, much reformatting and almost all the emphasis is mine. Pay attention to the third one down and realize that teacher unions are not your friends.

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Chicago Mayor elect Lori Lightfoot

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot – She’s a RACIST!

This is the problem I have with politicians (mostly on the Left but there are still plenty on the Right) being consistent. Or rather, inCONsistent.

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Chicago Mayor elect Lori Lightfoot

Lightfoot Treads Heavily – No White Reporters Allowed

Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot is a lousy mayor by all accounts (regardless of her sex or skin color). A problem she’s decided means something. On the anniversary of her inauguration (two years ago), her office will only grant interviews to reporters of color.

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Black AG Kim Foxx Who Let Hate-Hoaxer Jussie Smollett Off Plays Race Card on Critics

When AG Kim Foxx dropped all 16 charges against hate-crime hoaxer Jussie Smollett, a chorus of critics went to work. In response, Foxx has come out and suggested that by being the first black woman in this role, racism is to blame.

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