Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Does her Cranky Statue of Liberty Impression

Steve MacDonald

Lori Lightfoot, the mayor of Chicago, is the latest leftist to find herself faced with busloads of illegal immigrants from the US Southern border. Texas Governor Greg Abbott is sending them there, and she’s sending a mixed message in response.

She thinks Abbot is despicable on the one hand but welcomes the new arrivals with open arms on the other. A sort of cranky Statue of Liberty.

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,” you irresponsible bastard.


Lightfoot said she is “happy to take and drain Texas of all its residents” because she “wouldn’t want to live in a state with a governor like that.” She then accused Abbott of stripping “people of their basic rights.” Of course, she only brought up abortion because that is totally a basic human right.


Wait. You need to hear this too.


Lightfoot wasted no time responding, saying her administration had spent weeks preparing for the possibility and criticizing Abbott for what she said were “racist,” inhumane and xenophobic acts.

“Gov. Abbott has confirmed what unfortunately many of us already had known that he is a man without any morals, humanity or shame,” Lightfoot said. “Instead of treating these individuals with respect that they deserve or the due process that our require. Gov. Abbott chose instead to inhumanely load them onto buses, send them on a more-than-12-hour journey across a country that they don’t known and drop them off without any regard for what the next steps are. These are human beings.


So, let’s say you were a Somali refugee who just walked across Central America and Mexico to get to Texas because Democrats like yourself promised them (for lack of a better term) free sh!t. They get to Texas by the tens of thousands, creating a humanitarian crisis. There is no feasible way to provide all of them with food, water, or shelter. So, Gov. Abbot hands them a sandwich and a bottle of Avian and puts them on an air-conditioned Dreamliner to Chicago, and there is a bathroom on the bus!

The horror.

But she may still have a point. Common Sense Gun Laws Chicago has had over 2500 shootings in 2022 and 480 homicides. It isn’t even Labor Day yet, and thirty-one people have been in September. Sending them to Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago could be more dangerous than the trip that got them to the Southern Border.



HT | Legal Insurrection


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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