Mayor Lightfoot Saves Illegals From Chicago Gun Violence By Shipping Them off to the Suburbs

Steve MacDonald

Democrat Mayor Lori “no white reporters” Lightfoot has done at least a few dozen illegal aliens a service. I know; she said she would welcome them to Chigaco after they were bussed there by “a man without any morals, humanity or shame,” but she then stuck them on another bus.

Problem meets solution

The southern US border is overwhelmed by masses yearning to breathe free. Texas Governor Abbott has decided to share the wealth. He is bussing some of them to cities across this once great land that declared themselves sanctuaries for precisely these sorts of people (cough-cough!).

Problem meets solution.

Mayor Eric Adams in New York City pretended to welcome them but was more interested in yelling at Arizona and Texas. The Mayor of Washington DC, Muriel Bowser, got snippy as well. Bussing them as close to the people who drew them here has exacerbated the homeless problem. She’s declared a public emergency, which allows her to create more government. So, it’s a win-win for Bowser, yes?

And then there’s lightfooted Lori. She made a big speech about them coming to Chicago.


“Instead of treating these individuals with respect that they deserve or the due process that our require. Gov. Abbott chose instead to inhumanely load them onto buses, send them on a more-than-12-hour journey across a country that they don’t known and drop them off without any regard for what the next steps are. These are human beings.

Big words, big promise.

How’s That Working Out?


WGN Investigates has learned several dozen of the migrants Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sent to Chicago have now been relocated to a hotel in the suburbs without advance warning to the local mayor.


The prevailing punditry on this is that Lightfoot is a hypocrite. Well, of course, she is. Lori is a Democrat. And while it might contradict the inhumanity without next-steps bit, she has actually done them a great public service—the most humane thing she could.

Someone gets shot in gun-free Chicago every two minutes and twenty-three seconds. There’s a murder every thirteen minutes.

Democrat sanctuary cities are dangerous places.

By bussing a few dozen illegals from a sanctuary city to a suburban motel (did they leave the light on for them?), she has probably saved their lives.

That’s not why she did it, but it is what it is – a kindness.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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