Peterborough NH

“What is the NH League of Women Voters Afraid of in Peterborough?” Not just GraniteGrok took note of the restrictions

by Skip

And that would be the Peterborough Republican Committee.  Glad to see that some Republicans “are mad as hell and aren’t gonna take it any more!”. Emphasis mine: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 2, 2019 Contact: Chris Maidment PETERBOROUGH NH Peterborough Republican Committee urges LWVNH and Ledger Transcript to allow video and audio recording at Candidates … Read more

You Want The Truth? You Can’t Handle The Truth!

Ballot-BoxComments are often a great source of amusement, and often suitable for follow up material.  In this instance, in response to my post about Legally stealing elections with out of state voters who just happen to be in New Hampshire, an anonymous commenter using the handle “Speak the Truth” suggested that we just let it go.

Move On. We have an enormous task in front of us – “we” have to EDUCATE the public with the TRUTH. “Dumb cannot be solved with Dumber”


Here is my response,  some “education” about why we can’t move on…

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Where Does Hannah Rivers Actually “Live?” (Hint: It doesn’t matter)

Where does Hanna Rivers actually live and does it matter--for voting purposesDomicile, Domicile, where for art thou Domicile?  Or perhaps, ” A transient Domicile by any other name would be as….whatever.”  If you are an out of state college student where you live doesn’t matter, so where you vote does not matter either, and when I say doesn’t matter, I mean it doesn’t matter where in New Hampshire.

Case in point.  The ACLU and League of Women Voters petition, the one that Judge John Lewis more or less just signed off on in the blink of an eye, lists the first petitioner as Hannah Rivers.  On the petition she lists her ‘residence’ as Durham New Hampshire.  But she hails from Raymond Nebraska, has a drivers license issued by the state of Nebraska and, presumably, wants to vote in Durham in November.

Question:  So can out of state students just pick and choose which towns or cities they can vote in, based–presumably–on wherever the Democrat party or their liberal professors,  need a ballot box stuffed?

[Update: Edited to affect the relevance of my source information and my source.]

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NH Voter ID Law Challanged by Democrat Front Groups Too Stupid To Be Able To Breathe on Their Own

This is really just too good to be true, right?  The Left Wing League of Women Voters and the American Uncivil Left-Wing-Liberties Union, have filed suit in New Hampshire on behalf of four “out of state college students” who want to vote here, but don’t want to be subject to any other laws pertaining to domicile.

Follow the stupidity closely because Democrats all over the state of New Hampshire are going to want to pile on to this, and you will want to make sure you are prepared to repeat what I am about to tell you so that you may smote them where they stand.

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GrokTV Event-NH Senate hearing: Voter ID / SB289 – Testimony by NH Deputy Sec. of State David Scanlan and President Patricia of the City and Town Clerks Association, and others!

by Skip

This post has all of the other testimony, pro and con, on SB289 relative to having to present a valid picture ID in order to vote in NH elections.   This first one is NH Deputy Sec. of State David Scanlan bringing the news that his department is supporting this bill and its amendment by Senator Prescott

In addition, President Patricia Piecuch of the City and Town Clerks Association was also testifying in favor of the bill (after the jump).

Also testifying were the following:

  • Doug McNutt (AARP) – in opposition
  • Skip Murphy (why, that’s ME!) – in favor
  • Melissa Madden (America Votes) – in opposition
  • Sam Langley – in opposition
  • Charles Balban (NH Alliance for Retired Americans) – in opposition
  • Ryan Donnelly (Granite State Independent Living) – in opposition
  • Michael Skibbie  (Disability Rights Center) – in opposition
  • Claire Ebel (NH Civil Liberties Union) – in opposition
  • Karen Ashwell (?) (League of Women Voters) – in opposition
  • Caitlan Rollo (Granite State Progress) – in opposition

Please note that the loud typing clacking came from the committee aide, Debra Martone, and especially from Kevin Landrigan (Nashua Telegraph); nothing I can do about it…

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League of Women Voters Now Hissing at Project Veritas Video

“Perhaps that suspicion of fraud enhances the flavor.” —C. S. Forester

SHREW: (SHroo) def. 1. A small mouse-like insectivorous mammal (Sorex, Crocidura, and other genera, family Soricidae) with a long pointed snout and tiny eyes. 2. A bad-tempered or aggressively assertive woman.

The New Hampshire League of Women Voters call James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas video, “A Fraud.” The League has called for the prosecution of, “these out of state con-artists.” As Reported in today’s edition of the New Hampshire Union Leader.  Let the slash and burn begin, I say! These types of fights are the stuff dreams are made of.

Juxtaposing this anti-voter ID push-back with the viewpoint of the average citizen who votes, but does not dabble in activist partisan rancor, an overwhelming majority of those citizens agree it is perfectly reasonable to show who one is to vote on election days. Maintaining the integrity of a system, intended to incorporate the duty of one person, one vote, gels with average sensibilities and common sense.

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GSFTC Member Organization Spotlight -NH Citizens Alliance

There are a number of groups that the Left wing Granite State ‘Fare’ Tax Coalition highlights on it’s web site.  It’s your typical collection of "non-non-partisan" interests like the State Employes Union of NH (That’s the local SEIU 1984). The AFSC-which is the NH Chapter of a global leftist movement supported by all the nicest left wing foundations.  The League of Women Voters of course.  And there is even a who’s-who of left wing, NH social justice churches and their political arms, all promoting socialist activism and statist policy from the pulpit down to on the ground left wing activism.Socialism- Making everyone poor...

All of these groups warrant, and will receive, a proper vetting, but today I would like to focus on a special cog in the leftist machine of the so-called non-partisan GSFTC, one that happens to be very active in New Hampshire on its own; the NHCA.  The NHCA is the New Hampshire Citizens Alliance.  (You may remember their executive director, Sarah Chaisson Warner?  She received some unwanted attention after some remarks she made back in March of 2010. See also Here from the NHTPC.) The New Hampshire citizens alliance is…(drum-roll please)

…a statewide nonprofit, nonpartisan organization devoted to social, economic, and political justice.

A Non-partisan organization devoted to social, economic, and political justice?  Too bad that’s just not possible.  There are no right wing groups seeking these ethereal ends.  These are buzz-words, Orwellian constructs, created by statist agenda-driven socialists to mislead people.  So the NHCA couldn’t be "non-partisan" if they tried. But you don’t have to take my word for it.  Just look at who they associate with and what they support.

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The Very Partisan Granite State Fair Tax Coalition Part II

GSFTDNC%202.jpgThe Granite State Fair Tax Coalition (GSFTC–Greedy Socialists Frisking TaxPayers Cash) is a partisan non-profit, which for years has insisted it is a non-partisan group advocating an income tax in New Hampshire.  But the GSFTC is non-partisan the way MSNBC is.  They use the dark side equivalent of the Jedi mind trick.  ‘The force can have a strong influence on the weak minded.” And while there is nothing wrong with being a left wing partisan group, started by a social-justice driven religious organization, to advocate for a top down income tax, there is something wrong with acting like this is a non-partisan effort.

Our first look at the partisan make up of the GSFTC (God Says Fleece Taxpayers for Christ) was a rundown of their advisory board.  This revealed a panel of progressive and left wing water-carriers, who provide cover and material support for a specific leftist agenda: a state income tax.   They are democrats and democrat supporters, willing to use class warfare and a faux-morality-cum-guilt complex media campaign, to advocate for that state income tax.  Fish swim, birds fly, democrats spend and so must tax.  To insist they are non-partisan suggests a mental state that is non compos mentis.  Or to be a bit more colloquial; They are just a bunch of typical leftists.

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