The Peter Principle Finally Claims Its Rightful Victim …Steve Tucker

The Peter Principle: …is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to “a level of respective incompetence” And it will claim who it will. Yes, I’m late with this news (I keep TRYING to come back…sigh). It happened at the end of last month: Laconia superintendent steps down Steve … Read more

Dawn Johnson Laconia Pocket Constitution

Camp Constitution Donates Pocket U.S. Constitutions to High School and Junior High Students in Laconia, NH

Last night-Tuesday January 25- at the Laconia School Board’s meeting, school board member, Dawn Johnson announced that Camp Constitution has donated 1,100 pocket copies of the U.S. Constitution to Laconia’s junior high and high school students with some extras for teachers.

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Laconia School District

Finally, the Laconia Daily Sun wades into the Laconia Superintendent Steve Tucker SNAFU – a Petition Drive.

I’ve been waiting for Pravda on Lake Winnipesaukee to start delving into the goings-on in the Laconia School District (SAU 30) for a while. Finally, with things coming to a boil they did (reformatted, emphasis mine): Petition asking for superintendent’s ouster signed by parents at Pleasant Street School LACONIA — As of Wednesday, 119 parents … Read more

Laconia School District

Quick Thought – Laconia School District Superintendent Steve Tucker – such a MAHVALOUS Staff Manager, He is!

Ayup, we’ve been blogging a bit about his skills with people – Steve Tucker, the Curriculum Director reject from the Gilford School District is now, as word has come to me, 3-0 on managing and encouraging his School Principals working at Laconia’s Elementary Schools. Three for three… …he encouraged them to quit.  Leave. Vamoose.   So … Read more

Laconia School District

Laconia School Board Chair Aaron Hayward Will Have a Pleasant Surprise on Monday Morning

Laconia School Board Chair Aaron Hayward will have a pleasant surprise tomorrow morning given what I’m being told about the OTHER coverup that includes Laconia School Superintendent Steve Tucker.

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Laconia School District

Laconia School District: And Back We Go to the Fustercluck That Superintendent Steve Tucker and School Board Chair Aaron Hayward Have Created

You know how I can tell?  The Laconia School District is doing what School Boards and Administrations have been doing all over the State – and the nation – change the Narrative and change the focus!  That is, making it personal to their clients – Parents. Instead of concentrating on student achievement, right now it … Read more

Laconia School District

Seems Like the Answer Is Yes! (So Are Laconia Chair Aaron Hayward and Superintendent Steve Tucker Making Jackasses of Themselves?)”

UPDATE before publishing: While it seems that Superintendent Steve Tucker was piously wearing a mask during tonite’s Laconia School Board meeting (according to a caller tonite after said meeting), I can tell you that he was MASKLESS while I was at the SAU30 office today.  Hypocrisy much, Super Steve?

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Laconia School District

Laconia School Board Chair Aaron Hayward Answers my RSA 91:A Demand Emails …

Earlier today, Laconia School Board Chair Aaron Hayward sent me an email stating that they had received my RSA 91:A demand. I was rather surprised as most of the SAUs, when responding to citizen-based RTKs usually slough it off to their Superintendents.

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Laconia School District

So are Laconia Chair Aaron Hayward and Superintendent Steve Tucker Making Jackasses of Themselves?

A letter was sent to the Laconia School Board from a number of anonymous District employees. NH State Rep and Laconia School Board member Dawn Johnson tried to read it into the minutes of tonight’s meetings. I’ve been told that she was shut down almost immediately.

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Laconia School District

How We Must Identify CRT While Its Proponents Pretend It Doesn’t Exist

The debate over Critical Race Theory has moved into the Technicality Weasel Theory phase.

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Laconia School Board motioning to go into non-meeting

Watch As I Hand This School Board My CRT Materials Right to Know Request and Admonish Them for Ignoring the Law

They think that the rest of us should have no say in it at all – and really do believe that our kids belong to THEM and not to US. For decades, they have been undermining Parents’ morality and norms.

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Laconia School District

Charles Bradley: My Comments on CRT at Laconia School Board Meeting

At the last meeting during the “Public Comment” section, I presented the following remarks. I have three issues to bring to your attention:

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All White People are Racist - pay me

Critical Race Theory Is Itself Racist

Despite the recent defamatory attacks on me by local residents, this letter addresses the issue of “critical race theory” which is creeping into the public schools of New Hampshire and the Laconia School system.

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Laconia School District: This shirt inappropriate for a third grader to wear to school


We do a lot of writing and when one of the Groksters gets it wrong, an apology is required.  Tonite, it is my turn and I apologize to Superintended Steve Tucker, Principal Eric Johnson, and Teacher Lindsey Packer.  I publicized bad information – information for which I fell for. From my Daughter-in-Law’s Facebook post on this issue that I just happened to screenshot:

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