So, which do YOU think is the correct philosophy?

US President Ronald Reagan (R-CA): “Government exists to protect us from each other.  Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves?“ NH State Rep. Kris Roberts (D-Keene):  “Government has to protect us from our own stupidity.” One takes the attitude that Citizens are stupid and must be herded … Read more

GrokTV Special Interview: Susan Olsen,NH House Candidate (Merrimack-7)- Question 9 – Proper role of Govt – To save us from ourselves? Or should it butt out?

Democrat NH House Rep. Kris Roberts of Keene uttered on the floor of Representative Hall these fine words concerning Government and his fellow citizens: “Government has to protect us from our own stupidity.” Thus, the question to Susan Olsen (Candidate for the NH House in Merrimack-7) was what her version of the answer should be: … Read more

Order Your Susan Emerson Commemorative Boo Hoo Towels Today!

The RINO from Rindge, House GOP 69 percenter Susan Emerson, has sponsored a bill to stop bullying in the State legislature.  No.  I am not. Kidding.

The Union Leader reports that HB 1533..

“….would allow the Attorney General’s Office to investigate allegations of bullying in the Legislature, rather than current rules that allow such allegations to be investigated by an ethics committee.”

The paper claims the bill has 97 Sponsors, while the bill as submitted has just a handful of support; moderates pretending to be Republicans, pining no doubt for the days when more people voted for their spineless ilk and they actually had some kind of voice in State government?   (Too harsh?)

This bill does not fix that problem, no bill could.  What it does do is create an atmosphere built on tension and self imposed censorship, where healthy debate and disagreement becomes almost impossible without fear of being branded a bully backed up by the threat of a $2500.00 fine (per incident) and the stigma of criminal proceedings.

Mom!  He’s Bullying me!

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“Government has to protect us from our own stupidity”

From June OK, I have no idea how I got on NH Insider blogger (and NH House Rep ) Steve Vaillencourt’s email list, but I have.  Mostly I read (even briefly) and sometimes I just delete (don’t be offended as I sometimes have to do it to LOTS of incoming email – I barely keep … Read more

Soft Underbelly

  NH House Rep Kris E Roberts, in a comment made over on the Marchand Group web site (a democrat campaign and advocacy consulting group) we see evidence of what I’ve suggested all along; that a vote for any democrat is a vote for the leadership’s agenda and little else.  Kris is commenting at the … Read more

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